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The next morning, Tyler is the first one up. He rushes downstairs to the kitchen and grabs his testosterone pills. By the time Josh gets downstairs, he has already taken them.

"Why do you taking testosterone again?" Josh asked. "I thought your cycles were back to normal."

"I thought they were." Tyler said. "But I haven't had my period last month, and I need to have it this month."

Josh was baffled and surprised at the same time. When he took Tyler to the doctors, they said that his cycles were completely fine. But now they weren't.

"I should call the doctor."

"Josh, they said that if they're going out of sync again, I can take the pills."

Josh dialed his phone.

"I just want to make sure."

Tyler watched helplessly as Josh spoke with the doctor on the phone. Later on, he is sitting with Josh at the hospital woman's care.

Most of everyone there is girls. Tyler believes he belongs with that gender, but he still lives as a boy.

Eventually, when Tyler is called the back, he is told to give a urine sample. Josh waited in the exam room for Tyler.

After he was done, Tyler sat on the stool and answered a few questions from the nurse. Even she agreed Tyler needed to take the pills.

15 minutes later, the doctor came in. She sat down at the computer across from the stool Tyler sat on. Josh scooted his chair a bit closer to his friend.

"So what seemed to be the problem?" She asked.

"I think my cycle isn't normal." Tyler replied.

"Tell me what's going on?"

"I didn't have my period last month. I even haven't had one the month before. And I remember you tell me to take the testosterone if I miss."

"First off, yes. I remember telling you that. And second, you are to take two pills a day. Once the morning, and once at night. That should help out a bit."

Tyler smiled.

"Do you have any questions?"

"When should he have a normal period?" Josh asked.

"If he starts the pills now, he should have it sometime next week." The doctor said. "But if anything goes wrong, you call me."

Tyler and Josh left the hospital and got into the car.

"Do you believe me now?" Tyler asked.

"Of course I believe you." Josh replied. "I'm your friend, I will always believe you."

Tyler smiled.

"I am afraid I will forget to take the pills. So, I was thinking you could remind me."

"Of course."

Tyler smiled again.

"Let's go home now." Josh said.

He started the car and they made their way back home.

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