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Josh sat patiently outside the dressing room at Target. He had no idea what Tyler has picked out for an outfit. He just went in there without telling him what he was trying on. Of course, Josh had already picked out what he wanted to wear. It wasn't that hard for him. He had a good taste in picking out clothes. But for Tyler, it was a little more difficult.

He had tried on so many outfits without Josh's consent. He felt that he wouldn't like them. Tyler was very insecure about his femininity. It took a lot of guts to figure out whom he wanted to be. And he chose it. Now he has to be it.

His entire dressing room was filled with nothing but tried on clothes. He was determined to find the right one.

Before Josh knew it, he heard Tyler come out of the dressing room.

"This has to be the right one." Tyler said; walking out. "All the other outfits were not fit for me."

The boy stood in front of Josh; wearing a very unique outfit.

When Josh saw what he was wearing, his jaw dropped

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When Josh saw what he was wearing, his jaw dropped. He had never seen anything as beautiful as ever.

Tyler stood still; shaking.

"How do I look?" He asked. "Do I look alright? Should I pick another one?"

"You better not." Josh said. "Because that is perfect."

Josh stood up; pressing his hands against Tyler's waist.

"You need to wear this to the party on Friday. I don't think anyone has ever seen this outfit before."

"Do you really think so?"

"I know so."

Tyler smiled; hugging him.

"I love you so much Josh. I never want us to leave each other."

"And we won't. I promise."

Tyler and Josh went to the cash register and paid for their purchases. Once that was done, they headed to the car and drove home to prep for the party on Friday.

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