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Tyler has been pregnant for a month. He was still very depressed. He was often sick due to the pregnancy.

Every morning, he would vomit. Then he would crave food that he wouldn't normally eat. And he would suffer from painful contractions.

He and Josh visited the hospital for the ultrasounds every week. They still couldn't find out the gender of the baby. So no due date was issued.

One day, while Tyler and Josh sat and watched TV, there was knock at the door.

Tyler started to get up, but a contraction hit him.

"Darling, you need to rest." He said.

Tyler touched his cheek.

"Can I go upstairs? I really don't wanna see anyone."

There was another knock at the door.

"Go on Tyler." He said. "I'll be up in a sec."

As Tyler went upstairs, Josh went to answer the door.

When he opened it, he saw it was Tyler's mother, Kelly.

"Hello Mrs. Joseph."

"Good to see you Josh." Kelly replied. "I've been wanting to see Tyler for a while now. I'm really sorry for his father's behavior."

"I'm sure you are." Josh said; sternly. "Because Tyler is very afraid of you. He's worried that you don't love him for being transsexual."

"It doesn't matter if he is transsexual. He is still my son and I love him for who he is."

Josh began to feel down. He looked to the floor. Kelly noticed it.

"Josh, are you alright."

"Mrs. Joseph, something happened to us a month ago. Tyler is in a very bad state because of it. He's been sick for weeks."

"Why? What happened?"

Josh led Kelly into the kitchen, where he handed him a piece of paper, which contained the results of Tyler's pregnancy test.

When she learned that her own son was pregnant, she ran upstairs into the bedroom to find Tyler laying down.


The boy turned and saw his mother.

"Hi mom."

Kelly walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I know the truth, about what happened."

"Oh." Tyler said. "I didn't think you'd find out."

"The baby, is it Josh's?"

Tyler nodded.

Kelly smiled a tad.

"I'm happy for you Tyler. You and Josh are going to have a baby, and I'm going to be a grandmother. If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to ask."

"Actually, there is one thing I want." Tyler said.

He squeezed her hand.

"My dad must never find out about this. Promise me you will not tell him about my pregnancy."

Kelly kissed her son's hand.

"I will."

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