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Josh sat alone in a quiet room while waiting to see his babies. He was torn, depressed, and traumatized over losing Tyler.

All this time, he knew that he was going to die. He knew that he wouldn't survive bringing the twins into the world. It was the saddest thing that he'd ever witnessed; watching his boyfriend die in front of him.

A few minutes later, the nurse called for him to come into the room to see the babies. He looked down upon them and touched their little cheeks. He was so happy that they were healthy and safe.

The nurse stood next to Josh holding the birth certificates in her hands.

"What would you like to name the boy?" She asked.

When she asked that question, Josh started to remember what Tyler wanted to name his son.

"What do you think our baby's gonna be?"

"I don't know. But if it's a boy, I know what we should name him."



"Don't you want to teach little Taylor Joseph Dun how to play the drums?"

"Taylor." Josh said. "Taylor William Joseph Dun."

The nurse wrote the name down on the birth certificate.

"And the girl?"

Josh started to remember what he wanted to name his daughter.

"You're having fraternal twins. A boy and a girl."


"Of course. You guys must be really lucky."

"Looks like you will be teaching little Taylor Joseph Dun how to play the drums."

"Hold that thought babe. She also said we're having a girl. Which means we need to think of a girl name."

"I'm not really good with girl names."

"That's okay. I already have a good one in mind."

"What is it?"


"Well, I believe little Adelina Joseph Dun will make a great brother for little Taylor."

"Adelina." Josh said. Adelina May Joseph Dun."

The nurse wrote it down on the birth certificate.

"Thank you Mr. Dun. Again, I'm really sorry for your loss.

Josh turned away immediately, not replying back. The nurse knew how he was feeling and walked away, leaving him alone with his babies.

Josh picked the twins up into his arms and wept. His crying caused the babies to cry as well.

He was heartbroken and sad that he has lost the love of his life forever.

Thoughts of death rained over his mind. He wasn't sure on what to do with himself or the babies. He was happy to be a father, but he didn't know how he was going to take of himself. He needed Tyler, but he wasn't there anymore.

He was gone and he couldn't bring him back.

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