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While Josh escorted Kelly out of the house, Tyler turned away on his bed.

When Josh walked back into the bedroom, he sat down on the edge of the bed; looking down onto him.

"Tyler, are you feeling okay?"

He lost it. He couldn't hide the depression any longer. The boy broke down sobbing.
Hearing Tyler cry made Josh not only sad; but concerned.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

Tyler sat up.

"Josh, I love you so much. You're going to be a great father. But the one thing I worry about is if I'm going to survive through the birthing process."

"Of course you will darling-"

"Josh you don't understand! I'm a 17 year old boy who's carrying our baby inside me. And I don't know if I'm going to live through it."

He touched Josh's shoulders.

"I need you Josh. Please help me before I die from this."

Josh hugged his love.

"I will not let you die Tyler. I'm going to make sure of that. I promise."

"I just want to make sure our baby is safe."

"It will."

Josh kissed him on the forehead.

Later, Tyler and Josh sat down on the couch together and watched TV.

"What do you think our baby's gonna be?" Josh asked.

Tyler smiled.

"I don't know. But if it's a boy, I know what we should name him."


Tyler took Josh's hand and placed it on his stomach.


As he said it, Josh felt the baby kick inside Tyler's stomach. The kick was light though.

"Don't want to teach little Taylor Joseph Dun how to play the drums?"

Josh smiled.

"I have high hopes it's going to be a girl."

"Oh Josh, having a boy would be wonderful. He would be a member of our band."

"We're retired, remember."

"Still, I think we should cherish the time of having a baby boy."

"We shall see."

Tyler and Josh kissed while the kicks continued. Tyler was sure the baby was going to a be a boy. But Josh hopes for a girl.

Will they have one, or the other, or both?

They'll never know until the time comes.

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