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Tyler was brought in for the ultrasound. Josh sat with him; holding his hand through the whole procedure.

The nurse moved the rod around Tyler's stomach; the gel was irritating because it was so cold. But Tyler was able to see on the screen perfectly.

"You do have a baby inside you." She said. "Though it is kind of small at the moment."

"I've been pregnant since last night." Tyler said.

"I know. But it will take time. You should come see me every week to check. You never know what you might end up with."

Tyler and Josh were scheduled to come back every week to do an ultrasound. Until then, they knew what was to come.

When they got home, Tyler got in bed. Josh assumed he was gonna sleep a little more, but that wasn't what was happening.

Tyler was sad. Really sad. Not because he was pregnant, it was because he knew he wasn't going to last long. He was afraid he wouldn't survive giving birth.

For Josh, he was gonna be a father. Though he had no experience taking care of children, he knew he had to make it right. For Tyler, and his unborn child.

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