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A few days after Tyler's death, Josh brought his newborn twins home. He took them into his room and laid them side by side on a crib next to his bed.

He looked down on them and saw how cute and identical they were. It was his dream to be a father and have children, but the dream didn't go the way he wanted because Tyler was gone.

He wanted to save him from dying. He wanted to keep him alive, but there was nothing he could.

Suddenly, little Taylor started crying, then little Adelina started crying.

"No. Please don't cry."

Josh started panicking. He wasn't taught how to take of babies. He didn't know how to stop a baby from crying.

"What's wrong my sweets?" He asked. "Do you need something?"

Josh started to think on what to do. The first thing that popped in his head was food. Babies cry when they want something to eat.

"Are you hungry?"

The babies started crying louder. Josh knew that food is what they wanted.

"Okay, daddy is going to get you something to eat."

Josh ran downstairs to the kitchen to get formula. When he did, he came back into the room with two baby bottles.

"Daddy has some food for you."

He held the twins in his arms and fed each one of them. When he did, they cooed, showing that they were happy.

"Daddy must of made you very happy."

Little Adelina started giggling.

"My little girl, I love you so much."

"DA!" Little Taylor shouted.

Josh chuckled.

"I love my little boy too."

Josh loved his babies so much. He loved having them close to him. He couldn't let them go.

Later at night, Josh sat on the couch and watched Baby Einstein, with the twin babies in his arms.

"Daddy loves you both so much." He said.

Little Taylor and Adelina started giggling.

"Da da!" They said.

Josh enjoyed every bit of it. He loved his babies so much. He knew Tyler would loved them too. He missed him so much and wished he was still alive.

But he remembered what Tyler told him before he died, to take care of the babies, and he did.

He began to embrace being a father to the twins and he enjoyed spending every moment with them. It made him forget about missing Tyler.

Because he knew he'll always be in his heart.

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