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Another month past. Tyler was now 3 months pregnant with the twins. Josh and him agreed to name the boy Taylor and the girl Adelina. They even wrote down their names on a notepad so that they wouldn't remember them when they wrote the birth certificates.

That morning, Josh was standing by Tyler as he threw up into the kitchen sink. He felt really bad for not getting to the toilet in time.

"I'm so sorry Josh. I hate that you have to clean this mess up."

"It's okay love." Josh said; rubbing his fluffy hair. "Just let it out."

The sound of Tyler's dry heaving made him sad. He couldn't help but feel bad for what he was going through.

Afterwards, Josh sat him down on the couch and gave him some ice cream.

"No Josh. I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat Tyler."

"I'll get sick again."

"The babies need it."

Thinking about the twins made Tyler feel more motivated to eat. So he did.

While he ate, Josh got a text from one of Tyler's brother Zack. He told him they were invited to a family reunion on that Saturday afternoon.

When he came back into the room, he saw Tyler laying on the couch with half the bowl of ice cream empty.

"That's good." He said. "The babies should be fed."


"I got a call from Zack."

"What did he say?"

"We're invited to a family reunion this Saturday."

Tyler attempted to stand up, but he felt himself falling back onto the couch.

"No Tyler. You need to sit down."

"I can't go." The boy said. "My dad will be there and if he finds out-"

"He won't." Josh reassured. "And he never will."

"He'll look at my weight." Tyler told him. "He will know for sure."

The boy started to cry.

"Tell him no. I can't bear being disowned if he finds out. My dad hates me. He will never except me. If he sees I'm pregnant-"

Josh hugged the boy to his chest.

"I won't let him do anything to you." He said. "I promise."

He kissed him on the forehead. But it was short because Tyler started vomited on the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry-"

"Hush now. It's not your fault. Just let it out."

Josh took Tyler to the bathroom, where he finished vomiting.

After Tyler went upstairs to lay down, Josh cleaned up the mess. Washing vomit off the floor didn't really bother him, though the smell of it kind of did. But it was all for the twins, who will be born in the next 6 months.

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