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4 months past. Tyler's pregnancy was reeling to it's end. The due date was coming, and he was terrified.

Since the twins were due for a few weeks, Josh decided to do a family gathering to celebrate before the babies could be born.

At the gathering, Tyler sat on a chair while he allowed everyone in his family to ask him questions and rub his stomach. Josh stayed close by to make sure nothing bad happened.

He knew Tyler was afraid for his life.

Later on, Tyler's mother, Kelly, came by and took over Josh's lookout. Even though she and his son were still angry with each other, Tyler still wanted her to come.

She noticed how sick Tyler was. To her, it didn't seem like normal pregnancy sickness, but she kept a close eye on him.

"How are you feeling right now?" She asked.

"Sick." Tyler replied. "Very sick."

"The twins will be here very soon."

"I know, and I'm not prepared for it."

Kelly patted her son's head.

"It'll be okay."

Josh came back over.

"I'll look after him now."

Kelly kissed her son's cheek before walking off to hang with the other relatives. Josh stepped over by Tyler's chair; handing him some water.

"Drink." He told him.

"Josh, I don't feel well."

"I know, but you have to drink."

"Josh, the pain is too much for me."

Tyler started crying. Josh hugged him to his chest.

"I know baby, I know."

As Josh calmed him, Kelly ran up to them.

"Guys, I know this is a bad time to tell you, but Chris is on his way."


"He found out. I don't know how, but he'll be here any minute."

Tyler started panicking.

"J-Josh, I-I can't-"

He held him.

"Shhh. It's okay."

He turned back to her.

"Make sure he doesn't find his way in, and if he does, keep him away from Tyler."

"Yes Josh."

Kelly walked over to the front door; keeping her eye out, while Josh stayed and kept Tyler calm.

A few hours rolled by. Things seemed to be normal. Tyler was no longer afraid. He believed that his father wasn't coming and that it was all a misunderstanding.

However, an unexpected visitor arrived, and it made everything go from bad to worse.

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