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Tyler found himself in a place he thought he'd end up in, having to hide himself away from people, especially his own father.

He knew the truth as soon as he saw his stomach. Now he's gonna have to stay away from his family in order to be safe from his father.

When they got home, Tyler ran off into the house. Josh quickly ran to his side.

"Tyler, you can't run. You're pregnant."

The boy stopped where he was at; trying to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry babe, I'm just-"

Suddenly, he vomited all over the pavement. Josh took out some Kleenex and rubbed his forehead.

"You're dehydrated. Come inside and I'll get you some water."

Josh brought Tyler inside and sat him down on the couch. He gave him a cup of water to bring his energy back up, and it helped.


"Y-Yeah." Tyler replied. "Can you check and see if the babies are okay?"

"Of course." Josh said; placing his hand on Tyler's stomach.

He eventually felt a kick. It was a light one though.

"They're doing great."

Tyler was relieved.

"That's good."

Josh put his arms around him.

"We are gonna raise our children right, and your father will never get involved in their lives ever."

"Josh, I'm scared."


"It's just that, I'm dad's target now. He will come after our children eventually."

"Tyler, you're thinking things that you don't know will happen."

"What if it does happen?"

"Then I will deal with him myself."

"What about mom? She said she'd help us."

"She's our only hope. We have 6 months left. Let's make it count."

Josh touched Tyler's cheek.

"But I promise you Ty, I will make sure he never comes in between us again."

Tyler smiled.


Josh kissed him on the forehead.

"Now, why don't you rest up and I'll make you something to eat."

"But I'm not hungry Josh."

"The babies are hungry." He told him. "They need to eat or they won't be born."

Tyler sighed.

"Okay Josh."

He made his way into the kitchen and started preparing the food. Tyler continued to sit on the couch and contemplate on how his father may come but and possibly harm the babies.

And maybe himself.

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