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Tyler sat at the table with Josh as soon as he told him dinner was ready.

As Josh ate, Tyler stared at his place while clutching onto his stomach; feeling the babies's small kicks. Of course, he took a few bites, but that wasn't enough.

Nothing was enough.

Life for the boy didn't seem to fit him anymore. He had nothing to do and no where to go. Nowhere to hide.

He was the prey to his own father.

Josh looked and saw how Tyler barely touched his food.

"Honey, the babies need the food if they're gonna to be born."

"I know." The boy said. "I just can't get over what happened today."

"I already told you, everything is going to be okay."

Tyler stood up quickly; banging his fists against the table.

"You don't understand what it's like to afraid for your life, and your unborn babies's life! You tell things are gonna work out but they don't-"

The boy groaned and fell back onto the chair. Josh rushed to his side.

"Easy honey." He said.

"It's alright." Tyler said. "It's just a contraction."

"We may need to see the doctor again. It may not be a contraction."

"It feels like one."

Josh went over and dialed on the phone; still standing over Tyler.

"We need to check and see the babies are okay."

Tyler sighed.

"Okay Josh."

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