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The next day, Tyler and Josh went to the hospital to check on the babies. Tyler was still in a state of fear for his life and the lives of his children.

Josh stayed strong for the boy that he loved. He wanted to make sure he would make it once the children were born.

While waiting, a nurse came out for them. Tyler and Josh knew immediately and stood up before she could call their names.

"How are you y'all doing this morning?" She asked.

"I'm good." Josh said. "But Tyler, he's in bad shape."

"Well, let's get you looked at."

The nurse helped Tyler into the ultrasound room. Josh followed them, but he stayed real close just in case anything went wrong.

When they got there, Tyler was laid on the bed. Josh pulled a chair next to him and held his hand.

"Do you know when your due date is?"

"We don't know." Josh told her.

"How long does he have?"

"6 more months, at least."

The nurse started rubbing the cold gel onto Tyler's stomach.

"Well sir, all I can say is, the babies may come at anytime."

"How do you know?"

"Fraternal twins are less common than identical twins. Their birthing process is way premature than the other. In Tyler's case, they could come unexpectedly, just so that you're aware. But, if you're lucky, they could be here sometime in April or May."

Tyler looked at Josh; smiling.

"This the happiest I've ever been."

"See? I told you things were gonna work out."

The nurse pressed the rod onto Tyler's stomach and looked at the monitor. She was surprised at how the babies were.

"Have you decided on names yet?"

"We chose to name the boy Taylor and the girl Adelina."

The nurse smiled.

"I like those names."

Tyler felt a hard kick. He moaned and pressed on his stomach. Josh squeezed his hand.

"It's okay sweetie." The nurse said. "It was just a kick."

"I-I know." Tyler said. "It was hard though."

"I completely understand."

The nurse continued to look at the monitor while Tyler and Josh contemplated on the day they would bring their children into the world.

But once again, Tyler began to ponder of his own death.

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