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Tyler held the newborn twins in his arms as Josh stood over him watching over them.

"They look just like you." Tyler said; tears running down his eyes.

"Yes, they do."

"I-I'm so happy f-for u-us."

"Me too."

As they looked to each other, Tyler fell unconscious, with the twins still clutched in his arms.

"Tyler no!"

Josh shook Tyler's motionless body, which caused the twins to cry.

Seconds later, a group of nurses, along with the doctor, came in and checked Tyler's vital signs.

"His heart rate is super low!" A nurse cried.

One of the nurses grabbed the twins from Tyler's arms. Josh continued to cry over his body.

"Stay with me Tyler, please!"

"Sir, we're gonna need you to leave the room."

"No! Let me stay with him!"

"Tyler needs some space. We'll take care of him, I promise."

"What about the babies?"

"The nurse will have them taken care of, now go wait outside and we'll let you know how Tyler feels."

"Doctor! We're losing him!" A nurse cried; placing a breathing mask on Tyler's mouth.

"Please Mr. Dun, go outside!"

Without any other choice, Josh went out into the waiting room.

When he got there, Kelly ran up to him and hugged him as tightly as he could.

"Josh, what happened in there?"

He breathed in and out.

"The babies were delivered safely, they are completely healthy."

"That's good to hear, but what about my son?"

When he heard her ask if Tyler was ok, he proceeded to sit down on a chair near the family. He was too traumatized to tell her anything.

Kelly became worried when no answer came from Josh. She started softly crying, even though she didn't know what was happening. The younger siblings became worried as well.

An hour later, a nurse came out. Josh, Kelly, and the younger siblings stood up.

"How is Tyler?" Josh asked. "Is he ok?"

"Tyler had a pulmonary embolism due to him giving birth to the twins. It caused him to severely damage his internal organs, including his lungs."

The family was shocked.

"Is he, gonna make it?"

The nurse placed her hands together and breathed in and out.

"He's dying Josh. I don't know how much time he has left."

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