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When Tyler told Josh who he really was, he started crying. He let every inch of emotion out to his friend. He didn't care how he's feel, he just cried.

Josh sat there; squeezing Tyler's hand. He wasn't angry or disappointed.

"I know."

Tyler lifted his head to him. Tears still came down his rosy cheeks.

"What do you mean you know?"

"I've always known who you were." He said. "I don't care if you act like a girl. I don't care if you live like a girl. And I absolutely don't care if you dress like a girl. You are still my best friend, and I will always care about you."

Tyler looked at Josh; smiling.

"Thank you."

"What's going on?" A voice said.

Tyler and Josh turned their heads to see a young blonde girl standing at the window. It was Tyler's younger sister, Madison.

"Hello Maddy." Tyler said.

"Great to see you Ty. Aren't you coming in?"

"Of course, we're coming in now."

After Madison ran off back into the house, Tyler and Josh turned back to each other.

"My parents suspect I am who they think I am. And I never told them the truth yet."

"How long have you kept this a secret?" Josh asked.

"4 years. And, I think it's about time I tell them."

"I think you should. But you don't have to worry, because I'll be by your side."

Josh hugged Tyler to his chest.

"Thank you Josh."

Eventually, the two boys got inside of the house. Tyler's family was real happy to see Tyler and Josh.

Around dinner time, the 8 people sat around the table. Tyler's youngest brother, Jay, sat real close to Tyler and Josh.

"I missed you big brother." He said.

"I missed you too." Tyler replied. "You sure aren't a guppy anymore."

"And you sure ain't as selfish as you used to be." Tyler's father said.

Tyler laid his eyes on his father.

"What do you mean dad?"

"You used to be a total jerk to us all."

"Dad, what the hell have I done to you?"


Madison and Zack grabbed Jay and headed upstairs, while Tyler and Josh stayed at the table and continued to be lectured.

"You know what mom and dad? I have something to tell you!"

"Oh what is it?" He yelled.

"Tyler I didn't mean now-"

"Yes! I'm transsexual! How do you feel about that huh?"

When he said that, everything turned silent. Tyler's parents were shocked. Even Josh was surprised at his confession.

"You pathetic little bitch." Tyler's father said. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

Immediately, Tyler ran off. Josh went after him. Right when they got outside, Tyler sobbed into Josh's arms.

"It's alright Ty." Josh said; comforting him. "It's alright."

"No it ain't alright!" He yelled. "My parents don't love me anymore!"

"You are loved by me Tyler. I won't let you be alone again. You and I going to be together forever."

Tyler rubbed his eyes.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Tyler and Josh kissed while still in each other's arms. This made them feel better about one another. Tyler knew Josh will always love him and keep him close.

He didn't care about being alone anymore.

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