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I spot Colin across the room with a beer in his hand. I quickly make my way over to him. And touch his arm to get his attention.

"Hey" I softly say not too sure if the word would even come out.

"Hey baby," he says and kisses me. I don't kiss back I just stand there kinda awkwardly

"Can I talk to you?" I ask

"Yeah I needed to talk to you anyways" he mumbles then grabs my hand and we start out on to the open deck "Why did you change? I like the dress better" He tells me as we walk I shrug surprised he even knew what I was wearing before

"I got cold" I lie. Once we are by the edge of the building we stop and he puts his drink on the ledge "Colin I think we need to talk..." I start but get cut off by him dropping on to one knee "What the hell" I mumble, hopefully under my breath.

"I know you and everyone wants to know where I've been all day. And this is it" he says pulling a ring box out of his pocket "I have known for a long time you are the one I am going to marry you. And with Morgan's wedding, it got me thinking. What better time than now?" He says and I look around. So many people are starting to stare. Fuck. My. Life. "So Kasey Elizabeth" He starts and grabs my hand "Will you be mine?" He asks "Will you marry me?" He adds holding up the ring in his other hand I don't even look at the ring

"Colin" I start and I can't even say words I just start shaking my head no "I'm sorry. I just. I can't." I tell him taking my hand back "I'm sorry." I say again and watch his face change as he stands up

"What?" He says reasonably pissed.

"It's over. I'm sorry." I say "and please don't follow me" I add as I start to walk away. Praying he actually listens and doesn't follow me.

"Kasey wait!" I hear him yell and I know he is following me. I continue walking and staring at the ground. I can feel everyone staring at me. It turns out everyone in the venue was staring at us. And it's mostly his family. Great.

"So I have to ask, where is the lovely future Mrs?" I hear the DJ ask Colin then I hear microphone feedback from what I am guessing was Colin throwing the microphone on the ground. I make it to the doors and slip out. I go to the corner where I stashed my suitcase and purse and grab those making my way to the elevator to head to the lobby. Once in the elevator I check my iPad and see messages from Harry. Thank god.

From: Curly - Here is your hotel. And I called you an Uber. Here are the details, I'm paying don't worry. I'll be there tomorrow. And here is your flight to Nashville tomorrow we will get there at the same time so we can drive to your house tomorrow. Call me when you get to the hotel.

I don't reply but walk off the elevator, put my iPad back into my back and walk outside to my Uber

"Derek?" I ask walking over to the open car window. Yep, it's my Uber.

"Kasey?" He asks getting out of the car "Here I'll take your luggage. You can get in" he says I nod and climb in keeping my purse with me.

"Kasey, what the fuck?" Colin screams running out the doors behind me as I'm stepping into the car

"I said don't follow me," I say shutting the door "Please don't follow me. We are done. I'm sorry I embarrassed you in front of your family. But please please do not follow me." I say as Derek gets in the driver's seat

"May I leave?" Derek asks

"Yes please," I say as I put my backseat window up. I make sure I do not look behind me because I know if I see Colin standing there I will start crying and I really don't want to cry at least not right now in the back of an Uber.

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