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***Skipping a lot of the hospital time mostly waiting***

"So you will be free to go in a few hours once the IV finishes. You are basically on bed rest or limited movement for the next 2 weeks since you have 3 broken ribs and sprained intercostal muscles, and one of the broken ribs are close to stabbing your lung you really need to take it easy. When I say limited movement I mean very very limited movement like you are only allowed out of bed to go to the bathroom and shower sitting down if you even shower and don't just take sponge baths, which I would recommend doing. You should be mostly laying, or sitting in bed, but you can try sitting on the couch if you feel up for it. No lifting anything more than about 2 pounds, but if absolutely necessary you can lift 5 pounds." The nurse is explaining "After those 2 weeks are over you need to follow up with an orthopedic doctor for more Xrays and you also need to follow up with your normal doctor about your blood sugar jumping around like crazy." The nurse continues telling me but I am on IV morphine so I doubt that I will remember this. I hope Harry gets it.

"Can she have multiple doctors notes? Since she will have to miss a bunch of classes. And work notes as well. Because she will definitely be missing that." Harry asks for me. The nurse nods and writes down a note on the chart.

"I will also give you her prescriptions when I come back with the notes and to disconnect the IV." The nurse says before walking out.

"So mom is coming to stay. And I will be back and forth whenever I can. Do you want to stay in the apartment or the house?" Harry asks

"House for a few days then go up to the apartment?" I ask Harry nods and starts typing on his phone before handing me my phone.

"Tell Beth what is going on she has been freaking out. And then start typing out a list of things you want her to start getting together for me and Beth to pick up for you." He tells me and I nod while starting a message to Beth just explaining what I remember the doctor telling me. Then I start a group message to Harry, Beth, and Anne. Harry calls her mom, obviously, and I call her mom sometimes or I just call her Anne but I know what he means when he says, mom. Wow am I making sense, I don't know.

To: Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - Can I just come up and tell you guys what I need? Because I don't remember a lot of things. Please?

To: Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - But from what I can remember...

To: Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - Laptop, my backpack, school books, cactus blanket, all my meds, sketchbook, my super squishy pillow, iPad, all my leggings, sweatpants, pajama pants, hoodies, my water bottle.

To: Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - my bag of bathroom stuff that has like hairbrush, shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, lotion, body wash, chapstick, toothbrush, toothpaste, the plastic curly hair tie things, the tiny hair ties for like braids (Momma you know what I mean), body spray, deodorant, KT tape, face wash, face scrub, the thing of hair mask/deep conditioner, razor, whitening strips, dry shampoo, and like any other bathroom stuff you can think of. I'll just check it or it'll just go and not get used lol.

To: Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - Can you also get a bunch of T-shirts and underwear and bras and fuzzy socks?

To: Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - my yeti, contacts, contacts case, and like all my chargers. Like my laptop charger, phone charger, watch charger, and some of the extra batteries for my finger prick thing.

From: Beth🖤 - To: Me, Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - I can start getting some of this stuff together but I think it'll be best if you come over and tell us what to do. But what bag(s)? Do you want me to put this stuff in?

From: Curly - To: Me, Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - Yeah we will come back whenever we get out of here.

To: Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - you can start putting stuff in my suitcase but like just get it out and put it on the bed. Until I get there so it can get packed like better.

"Okay, we are here to get that IV out of you. Here are all of your prescriptions and multiple copies of the doctor's note, your instructions for bed rest, following up, and what to look out for while it is healing. You can expect to see it bruise and become very dark but If it becomes hard to breathe or hot to touch. As for the black eyes and bruises on your face, if your vision becomes blurred, you start seeing spots, go get it checked out. Also if you develop a persistent pounding headache that lasts more than 4 hours go to the doctor." The nurse tells me and Harry as the Nurse is setting things down and getting everything set up to get the IV out. "One more thing. Here is a copy of your Xrays on the flash drive for you to add to your police report if you feel it necessary or decide to press charges. It includes your medical history from this visit as well as our reports." She adds Harry nods and takes the flash drive with everything else he was handed.

"After I get this out can I go pee?" I ask since they made me drink a lot of juice to get my blood sugar up. The nurse laughs and nods.

"I did speak with the doctor one more time and he said that you can only get released as long as your blood sugar is in an acceptable range. So I am going to check it now." The nurse, who told me her name multiple times but I can't remember it and I feel bad, tells me. I sigh, basically praying that my sugar is high enough to go home. I just wanna leave.

"If it is not high enough can I sign an AMA and leave?" I practically whine

"Kase, no. If it is not high enough you are staying here. You have messed up ribs we can't risk you passing out and making things worse." Harry says I glare at him

"Your blood sugar is just barely at the acceptable level so you are free to go. But go eat something. And make sure you talk to your doctor soon." She says as she begins taking the IV out of my arm. I am not kidding when I say that as soon as the needle is out of my arm I try to jump up and run to the bathroom but Harry stops me.

"Calm down." He tells me sternly I sigh and slowly walk to the bathroom. Thankfully the pain meds I took are still helping so I don't really feel this. When I get back I sign the papers that I need to and try to ignore Harry flirting with the nurse and exchanging numbers.

To: Beth🖤, Curly, 👑Momma Anne - I signed the papers and now I am just waiting for Har to stop flirting with the nurse so that we can leave.

Harry checks his phone and glares at me.

"Thank you again for everything," Harry says helping me put my jacket on

"Of course" the nurse winks

"Shouldn't I be the one thanking the nurse?" I ask laughing "But seriously thank you."

"Of course. And do not hesitate to come back in if anything gets worse."

Harry and I just smile and nod before walking out of the emergency room, getting in the car, heading to the apartment, and helping me up to my room. I give Harry my keys so that he can unlock the door. Thankfully my roommates are all either not here or are in their rooms so we don't have to deal with them.

"Hey, guys," Beth says as Harry shuts my bedroom door and I head to my desk chair to have a seat. Thankfully she has a lot of my stuff that I texted her about plus some other stuff that I didn't think of, like my colored pens, planner accessories, paints, and canvases, my heating pad, glasses case, glasses cleaner wipes, my makeup, colored pencils, sharpies, and coloring books. "I was going to put your books and art stuff into this box that I found just because it is heavier. All of your clothes, bathroom things, blanket, and everything else you asked for is on the bed you can go through it then me and Harry can start packing it up. I kept whats in your backpack together, you can just carry that out." Beth explains and I smile.

"If I could hug you without pain I would." I laugh She has everything for me. I smile and start looking over everything she got out for me. I probably look crazy and like I don't trust her when in reality I am just really picky and need a lot of stuff to keep me busy for a while. 

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