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"What do you think?" Garrett asks walking back into his room

"It's pretty good. So far I've only found a couple of grammar mistakes" I shrug finishing reading the last paragraph of his paper

"Seriously?" he asks sounding shocked

"Believe it or not" I laugh handing him back his laptop

"Thank you so much for that beautiful" he yawns while turning off his laptop and putting it on the charger for the night

"Are you tired?" I joke also trying to hide my yawn. It is currently 1:15 in the morning

"Yeah. I know I said that we could talk after I finished my paper but I am wiped. I'm sorry" Garrett tells me while walking around the room cleaning up random things

"We have all week. It is not like I am going to leave in the middle of the night"

"You better not. I like you too much for you to just up and leave" he tells me while checking his sugar "I was going to have you sleep in my bed and I was going to take the futon if that's alright with you. I wasn't going to share a bed with you on the first night in case you weren't comfortable. But it is totally up to you"

"I'll take the futon. I am not going to kick you out of your own bed." I tell him

"No. Guest gets the bed"

"So how many guests have you had in your bed?" I joke not really caring about the answer

"So far? None, potentially one, but most of the people that I bring back to my dorm are too drunk to climb up onto the loft." he shrugs grabbing a Gatorade from the fridge "I need to explain that sounds bad. If I go out to a party and see someone who is super drunk, blacked out, or passed out I bring them back to my dorm and have them sleep it off on the couch. So I've had girls and guys that I've brought back stay here. Plus that way when they are here they don't get in trouble with their RA's or the police or anything like that."

"That's actually really smart. But aren't you afraid of someone getting sick or you get in trouble?" I question as he is laying the futon flat and grabbing blankets to make his bed up

"Not really. I can't get in trouble for helping someone and I have dealt with drunks all my life so I know what I am doing. Plus I've learned to put trash bags down before I lay them down so that in case they do get sick it's easy cleanup and I always have gloves on hand as well."

"You are such a good person. Seriously"

"I really am not but let's go to bed. There is a pillow and blankets up there obviously plus a phone charger. Do you need anything else?"

"I feel terrible asking but can you fill my water bottle for me? Please and thank you" I ask after climbing up in bed. I forgot to fill it earlier and I didn't grab it before climbing up on to the loft. Garrett doesn't say anything he just fills up my water bottle and hands it to me

"Here you go beautiful" He smiles

"Thanks, handsome. Sweet dreams" I smile back then he shuts off the light and makes his way over to the futon

"Night," he says as I hear him lay down. I spend a few minutes on my phone just checking notifications, checking my sugar, and turning my alarms off for tomorrow morning "Hey I forgot to warn you. My alarm is going to go off at like 6 for lifting with Micah and a few other people from the football team. I'll try to be as quiet as I can be but I apologize in advance if I wake you up."

"Don't be. I normally wake up that early to work out anyways. I can't wait to get back to working out"

"Do you want to come with me? I can lift and you can do whatever. But it is at the sports facility so it's nice and has whatever you could need"

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