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I start up the Xbox and load Netflix before putting my knee brace on. I finally get it situated and my sweats, well Garrett's sweats, back on when someone knocks on the door. I get up to answer it expecting Garrett or Micah to be there because they forgot their key but looking out the little peephole it is a girl that isn't Macy, shocking, so I open the door.

"Who are you?" the girl asks practically shoving herself into the room

"Is that used instead of hello here?" I mumble "I'm Kasey, Garretts' girlfriend. And you are?"

"Gia, duh." she rolls her eyes throwing her duffel bag on the ground before she starts basically digging through the boy's stuff. "Is all of that yours?" She asks pointing to my little pile of stuff on the floor by Garrett's desk.

"Yes, that's my stuff. As well as the laptop and the cactus patterned blanket on the futon." I roll my eyes "What are you doing?"

"Making sure Micah didn't have anyone over during the week. Did you spray perfume in here?" she questions still going through their stuff digging through drawers and leaving a mess behind her "Don't you check Garrett's stuff when you come over?"

"No. I don't dig through and destroy Garrett's stuff because I actually trust him."

"I trust Micah and I still go through his stuff." She shrugs like it is a totally normal statement "But seriously did you spray perfume in here?" she asks

"Yeah, I have a few different times. Why?"

"What does it smell like? My boyfriends' stuff all reeks and I need to know if it's yours or not" Gia says while literally sitting on Micah's bed smelling the pillow I just laugh thinking she is not serious but she shoots me a death glare and I swear I might die so I answer

"Um. My body spray is Raspberry Vanilla. But I also sprayed a little bit of hair spray in here a few times."

"I don't think this smells like that" Gia says smelling the bedsheet this time. "Who has been in your room?" Gia asks Micah as soon as he opens the door

"Hey babe," Micah says and I swear I can hear him rolling his eyes "No one other than the people who are always in here. Kasey is the only new person that has been in the room for the past few weeks. I promise. Now come here and kiss me." Micah adds

"I thought we agreed to not do that anymore dude" Garrett says with a laugh as he is walking in the door "Gia" he nods putting his shower stuff down before walking up to me, wrapping up in his arms and giving me a huge kiss which makes me turn bright red.

"But why does it reek in here? It smells like a cheap skank in here and Kassie doesn't smell like that" Gia asks Micah.

"Kasey. Not Kassie" I mumble annoyed before sitting down on the top Garrett's desk since there are so many people in here. I sit there for a few minutes listening to them fight and I want to leave so bad.

"Wanna get out of here?" Garrett whispers in my ear and I nod like crazy

"Please" I whisper he nods and pulls out his phone. A few seconds later I get a text from him

From: Garrett🥰 - I have an idea

From: Garrett🥰 - Grab your keys and a jacket. I'll grab everything else.

I read the messages and nod sliding off the desk so that I can grab my purse, keys, my water bottle, and a hoodie since I didn't bring a jacket. While I am doing that Garrett is grabbing all of the blankets and pillows from the futon making a pile by the door before going to get his laptop with the charger. He also grabs our phone chargers.

"Where are you guys going?" Micah asks

"Why do you care? It's a good thing that they are leaving the room" Gia snaps

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