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*Alarm starts going off*

"Fuck" I jump looking up from my laptop screen. Garrett just grunts shutting off his morning alarm. Currently, I am laying on the futon with my laptop on my chest working on trying to figure out how to write my cover letter listening to music and then Garrett is laying on the other side of the futon, with his feet in my face, going over flashcards also listening to music. "Sorry I just wasn't expecting an alarm to go off" I mumble

"You're fine. It's my workout alarm. I, for whatever reason, like getting up early every day to go workout." he explains

"Are you gonna go work out now?" I ask checking the time, it is 6:30 in the morning.

"I don't want to but I probably should. It would help wake me up"

"If you go I'll go. If not I am gonna pass for today"

"Well, now I have to go. I can't be the reason you don't go" Garrett says standing up

"Oh great" I roll my eyes also standing up. Garrett just smiles and kisses me before going to the dresser to get clothes. I go to my bag of stuff to grab out everything I need to get ready.

"I'm heading to the bathroom. You need the key?" he asks and I nod

"I'll just follow you," I say sliding my flip flops on. We walk to the bathroom and then into our own separate pods. Once I am in my pod I change into my sports bra and just throw Garrett's shirt back on leaving on the leggings and underwear I was already wearing, I'll change those when I shower later. I quickly put on deodorant, body spray, chapstick, brush my teeth, use the restroom, wash my hands, and put my hair into a high messy ponytail since I've had it down for the past few hours. After I am done with all of that I collect my things and head back to the room.

"Water?" Garrett asks as I walk in I nod

"Yes please," I say putting my stuff down, putting on my socks and shoes, grabbing a granola bar, and putting my North Face jacket on. "Ready to go?" I ask once I am all ready Garrett nods

"Are you gonna wear my shirt to workout?" He asks as we walk to the elevators

"No probably not. I think I'm just gonna wear my sports bra if it's okay. I didn't really bring workout clothes" I shrug

"Are you going to lift weights? Or just do what you did yesterday?"

"Probably just what I did yesterday. Why?"

"Okay, then you'll be fine. Its a rule in the facility. If you use the equipment you have to have a shirt but anywhere else it is fine to just wear your sports bra" Garrett tells me and I give him a weird look "I have spent so much time listening to girls get yelled at. I'm not being creepy I promise" he tells me as we walk into the gym.

"Be careful?" I tell him after we slide our jackets off and put everything down like we did yesterday.

"You too" He smiles kissing me I just smile and watch him walk away before grabbing a mat. I don't actually feel like doing a whole big workout today so I'm gonna mostly stretch and do more of a yoga type thing today. Once I get all set up I put my earbuds in and just zone out the rest of the world.

"Hey, beautiful" Garrett says walking up to me. "You almost done?"

"Yeah," I say standing up "You look dead" I point out while we are getting dressed

"I am tired. After classes, I need a nap."

"Same" I drag it out "Admissions emailed me back. They said I can go into the office any time today to talk to them." I tell him reading the email from my phone

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