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"So, do I need to teach all of you this math? Or just you?" I ask Micah. After going to the cafeteria and getting food we headed to the library and found a study booth in the corner where all of us fit. I was just eating and listening to them talking, avoiding the work that I brought to do. But Micah started having issues with some of the math problems so I started helping him but it seems like they are all struggling and maybe I should just teach all of them to save myself some time and frustration.

"Do you actually understand this?" Alex asks I just laugh in response

"Alex, she is a 4.0 student and has been since she was born practically," Garrett says he has been in his own world working on something for one of his classes but he has been half paying attention so I'm surprised he heard what Alex said.

"How? She looks like a-" Alex starts

"Finish that sentence. I dare you" I attempt to threaten

"Sorry," Alex says I think he is just upset for who knows what reason

"Ignore him. But seriously can you help us?" Micah asks and I nod

"Yeah, I can help you," I say grabbing an expo marker from my backpack so that I can write the problems out on the whiteboard they have in the study room thing.

***Time Skip. After helping all 3 of the guys with their math homework and take-home quiz. I got my laptop out and have been working on my College of Nursing entrance paper that I have to write.***

"I think I am going to head out. Gia is getting pissed that I am still here studying." Micah says shoving stuff in his backpack "Is it okay if I head back to the dorm and get stuff for tomorrow?" he asks Garrett who nods, not looking up from his computer. He is finishing a paper right now that is due tomorrow morning.

"Bye," I say as Micah walks out

"Are you the hot girl that's super smart and understands math?" This guy asks walking up to me. The random guy talking catches Garretts attention who looks up

"Alex, what the fuck did you do?" Garrett asks

"My math group chat asked a homework question so I sent the answer and they asked how I got it and I told them I had this really smart girl who understands math help me with it," Alex explains himself which earns a glare from me and Garrett

"Despite you being rude and not deserving any help, yes I am the one who helped Alex with his homework. What can I help you with?" I ask talking to the random guy who walked up

"Can you do my quiz for me? I don't understand it and if I don't pass it I am put on academic probation" The guy says

"No. I won't do your quiz for you. I will help you understand the problems and do practice problems with you until you understand it though" I smile

"Fuck that. I'll go find someone else to do it for me" The guy says storming off

"Nice to meet you too!" I called after him "And thank you so much for that Alex." I add glaring at Alex. That just annoyed me to no end. Since I am on my laptop I don't have to pull out my phone to text Garrett.

To: Garrett🥰 - I hate to do this but can we get going before long?

After pressing send I go back to my paper. I have to write two and a half pages about myself, a page and a half about what field of nursing I am interested in and why that field interests me, and a page and a half about a time that I had to overcome a challenge. Plus just a basic cover letter like I would for any job application.

From: Garrett🥰 - Of course, Beautiful. Let me finish this paragraph then we can go

From: Garrett🥰 - As long as you don't mind me finishing this back at the dorm

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