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After being woken up by Harry every single hour because he was checking my blood sugar and making me eat gummies or drink juice I finally just give up on sleeping and grab my phone to text Harry.

To: Curly - Come here?

I press send and just start messing around on my phone. I need help getting my laptop charger, water, and my sketchbook with all of that for something to do for now. After looking at Twitter, Snapchat, and looking at my emails to see if any of my professors answered I end up on Tinder. I start answering some of the messages I got yesterday as well as swiping on some more people since it is a new location and new people.

From: Curly - I'm so sorry. In a meeting. I'll be up as soon as it's over. What do you want for breakfast?

To: Curly - It's fine. I have to get up anyway.

From: Curly - No the fuck you don't.

To: Curly - I am getting up to pee. I'll just get my charger before I lay back down.

To: Curly - When you are done can you come fill my water bottle??

From: Curly - Please can you wait? So I can help you out of bed. Please?

To: Curly - Har 🙄 get back to your meeting.

After pressing send I put my phone down and take a deep breath before sitting up in bed and feeling immediately like I was going to throw up from the pain. I take a second to try and calm my stomach before moving my feet over the edge of the bed. Holy fuck this hurts. It probably takes me 4 or 5 minutes before I actually stand upend start walking to the bathroom. After finishing up there I just go right back to my bed and lay down.

To: Curly - Okay I regret that. But I had to pee soooooooo🤷🏽‍♀️ but is your meeting almost done??

After I press send I go back to tinder because I got a message from a guy that honestly is cute as hell.

From: Garrett - Why is someone as good looking as you up so early? Don't you need your beauty sleep? Or are you just naturally this beautiful?

His message makes me chuckle before thinking up a response

To: Garrett - Thanks 😊 but honestly if you could see me right now I am so far from good looking

From: Garrett - Of course

From: Garrett - I doubt that though. With those gorgeous blue eyes and an amazing smile, you are always beautiful. I guarantee it.

To: Garrett - I promise you I look terrible right now

To: Garrett - But I could ask you the same thing why are you up so early?

From: Garrett - Now you have me curious on why you think you look bad

From: Garrett - I'm up to go workout before school though. How about you?

To: Garrett - I'd say add me on snap but I don't want to scare you away

To: Garrett - My blood sugar has been changing like crazy lately and I couldn't fall asleep after the last alert

I might as well be honest. The chances that anything happens is unlikely. I check to see if Harry answered me but he must still be in his meeting.

From: Garrett - Add me. *insert random Snapchat username here* I wanna see this. Because I bet you still look amazing

From: Garrett - Are you diabetic??

To: Garrett - Promise you won't laugh too hard?

To: Garrett - But yes I am. Type 1.

I go into my Snapchat and type in his username and just add him but don't send a picture or anything. Because my face is black and blue and bruised and swollen and my one eye is completely bloodshot while the other is just bloodshot red in the corner from a popped blood vessel or something. Point is I definitely should NOT be Snapchatting anyone right now. Also, it's like 5:30 in the morning right now.

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