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I only make it about halfway to my apartment before I am crying in pain. I slowly walk back with tears just rolling down my face not caring what anyone thinks at this point. As soon as I get in my apartment I slowly take my backpack off and practically fall on to the living room couch and call Harry, while full-on sobbing at this point.

"Hello?" A sleepy Harry answers and I let out a sob "Kasey?!"

"S-sorry." I cry "Can you c-come here?"

"What's wrong?" He asks and I can hear shuffling in the background and I know he is getting ready right now

"My r-ribs. It hurts to b-breathe. It hurts to m-move. S-something is w-wrong." I say while trying to stop sobbing

"If I come up we are going to the emergency room. No question."

"That's why I c-called."

"I'll be there in an hour. Try to calm down. I'll text you when I get there." Harry tells me "what did you do today?"

"P-practiced-" I start but get cut off

"WHAT!?" He practically screams "Why would you practice if you were in this much pain?!"

"When I w-woke up it didn't hurt this bad. It was just a dull pain." I admit sheepishly

"Promise me you aren't lying"


"Thank you. Now I gotta go. I'll text you when I get there. Love you bean"

"Love you Curly," I say then hang up. I slowly stand up, grab my backpack and walk to my room. Once in my room, I shut the door and lay on my bed not bothering to take my shoes off just making sure to lay so that my feet hang off anyways. After a few minutes of laying down, I finally have the strength to sit up, slowly, to take my jacket off and to plug my phone in. I lay back down because it hurts less and just stares at the ceiling. A few minutes pass and I get a ding on my phone. I pick it up and see that I have a shit-ton of likes on Instagram and I have a notification from Tinder. I sigh and open up the Tinder app.

"Here we go," I tell myself as it loads. As soon as it is fully loaded I begin swiping. After a while of just swiping, making sure to look at all pictures and reading all bios before making a decision because it kills more time and it is weirdly entertaining to see how stupid and basic the bios are. I am getting a decent number of matches and messages but for now, I'm just ignoring them just so I can wait for Harry. My phone starts to ring and thankfully it is Harry.

"Hello?" I answer

"I'm on my way up. Is the door unlocked?"

"No. I'll get it though." I try to sit up and I am met with a shooting stabbing pain "I'm hanging up" I tell him then press the button to actually hang up. I try to get out of bed but instead, I start crying again.

"Bean?" I hear Harry asks walking over to me and I am confused

"How did you get in here?"

"It was locked. I knocked. Someone opened the door and let me in" Harry explains and I nod "What do you need?"

"Makeup wipes? Shoes. My purse." I say thinking up a list Harry just nods and moves around to get everything. I wipe my makeup off the best I can and just put them in my purse, I'll get the rest of my makeup off later. Thankfully Harry grabbed my pair of black knit UGG boots that are easy to put on. I am not even going to bother putting my jacket on, I'll just take it with me for if I need it later.

"Do you need help?" Harry asks standing over me watching my every move. I just look up at him. Even when I am in this much pain I still refuse to admit when I need help. Harry just nods, grabs my purse and my jacket, and then helping me up. We slowly make it out of the apartment and then down to his car. "Did you grab your phone?" He asks

"Yeah" I mumble wiping my face on my sleeve and wincing when I brush my bruise.

"Good" he laughs as he is pulling out of the parking spot so we can get moving "By the way I knew you had it. Your sound is on and your phone is making the Tinder noise, frequently."

"Wait, what?" I ask my face turning red as I quickly turn my sound off "apparently I am popular" I joke looking at some of my notifications, a few matches, and a bunch of messages.

"You realize that since you are on Tinder, which you are free to do, I have to give you a speech," Harry asks

"What kind of speech?" I ask glad to have a distraction from the terrible pain in my chest

"A safe sex, warning signs, safety, big brother speech"

"Curly, can we do this when I can breathe?" I ask as nicely as possible

"Let me just say this. You are not stupid so don't act stupid. Trust your judgment and use your brain." Harry tells me as we pull into the hospital parking lot

"Of course I'm not going to be stupid. Especially right now, I can barely breathe let alone go out and do anything stupid or going on any dates anytime soon"

"I know." Harry smiles laughing at me, I don't think he can actually picture me on Tinder hooking up with random people "Now come on let's get you help" we hope out of the car, well Harry hops while I slowly climb out and slowly walk into the emergency department

"Can I get you a wheelchair?" A nurse asks after seeing me walk into the building. I shake my head no but Harry speaks up

"Yes please," Harry says immediately. The nurse looks confused but goes to get a wheelchair anyways and Harry practically pushes me into the seat. I mentally pout but know this is for the best.

***Skipping getting checked in***

"So your blood sugar is low and you are slightly dehydrated so we are going to start you on an IV and also give you some insulin." The nurse practitioner says

"Is there anything I can be given for pain while we wait? Because even breathing hurts." I whine, which for me to actually admit I am in serious pain is a bad thing. Harry and the Nurse exchange a look then look at me

"Unfortunately no we cannot until we get the Xrays or a doctor comes in to see you"

"Are you sure? I mean she never admits to being in pain this isn't just someone looking for pain medication" Harry steps in

"I am so sorry, I know your pain, I see your pain. But it is hospital rules. Well actually, hospital rules are that you get ibuprofen, which you already had not long ago, and if you get ibuprofen you get a low dose of stronger pain medicine" the doctor, nurse, whoever whose name I don't remember but I really should, tells me and I just sigh. Which I regret doing but anyways

"Its mom, I gotta take this. Be back in a few bean." Harry tells me standing up

"Tell her to stay home. Don't let her come over here" I tell him as he kisses my forehead

"Yeah, I'll try. But that might be like telling a river to stop flowing" Harry laughs walking out. The doctor, who was lingering and waiting around, closes the door behind him.

"This may be awkward. But can you go over what happened again? Now that you are alone and he is not in here." The doctor asks

"You did remember the part where I told you, and the guy told you, that he is my brother, right?" I ask and the doctor nods

"I know. But it is just policy in cases like these." The doctor tells me. I mentally roll my eyes and just nod and start telling the story of what happened again.

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