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***Skipping like 8 hours of napping***

"Kase, you awake yet?" I hear Momma Anne ask

"Momma?" I mumble still mostly asleep "Water?" I ask because my mouth is dry

"How are you feeling sweetie?" asks handing me my water

"What time is it?"

"It's about 6 pm. Judging by the notifications on your phone you've been asleep since about 11."

"How is that possible?" I ask grabbing my phone. My sugar hasn't let me sleep that long in forever.

"Me and Harry woke you up a few times to eat and drink some water but you were barely awake and immediately fell back asleep." Momma Anne explains

"I honestly don't remember," I mumble while reading my texts from Beth about the apartments then type out a response

To: Beth 🖤 - Sorry I have been asleep basically all day. But um I like the second place you looked at the best out of the three!

"It is fine. I am going out to eat with some friends Harry, Louis, and Ryan are home right now but I think they are going out later as well. Yell or text them if you need anything. Love you Kase" Momma Anne says before kissing my forehead and walking out of my room. Once she is gone I go into my messages from Garrett. He has texted me a few times and I feel terrible.

To: Garrett🥰 - Oh my gosh I am so so so so so sorry!!

To: Garrett🥰 - I fell asleep and apparently have been asleep all day. I feel so bad.

To: Garrett🥰 - I hope you are having a good day! Message me whenever if you wanna

I press send on my last message to Garrett I go to my Snapchat to open and reply to my messages including a hella cute picture of Garrett that has the caption 'Damn. If that is something you drew that you are unsure of I wanna see something you are proud of because that is fucking amazing.' I smile at his comment and take a few tries to get a semi-decent picture of myself smiling and send it to Garrett with the caption 'Maybe one day. But nothing I could ever draw would be as amazing as you' I press send and then just mess around on my phone

"I have to pee" I mumble to myself and start attempting to climb out of bed with is just met with tears and cuss words because this fucking hurts. After a while of struggling, I finally make it to the bathroom and back. Once I am back in bed I text Harry


To: Curly - What's for dinner?

To: Curly - I'm hungry

After pressing send I noticed that Garrett answered me

From: Garrett🥰 - No worries beautiful, you need your sleep I hope you are feeling better

From: Garrett🥰 - But I'm currently at study tables for football and can't really talk. I'll call you in about an hour when I'm done?

To: Garrett🥰 - I'm still sorry I fell asleep but that's fine!

Garrett just makes me smile and I can't explain why. I grab my laptop and wait for it to load.

"Hey Kase," Louis says walking into my room which is weird

"Hey, Lou. What's up?" I ask

"What do you want to eat? Harry sent me up here to ask." he admits I roll my eyes "We are going Downtown for dinner with some executives so we could bring something back or we could order you something to be delivered?"

"You can't order me delivery, I can't get out of bed. Can one of you guys just make me some mac and cheese? And possibly bring me back like Wendy's if y'all aren't out too late?" I ask logging into my email.

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