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Because I don't have to wash or wet my hair I can shower very quickly. After getting out I put on deodorant, my Raspberry vanilla lotion, and the matching body spray before getting dressed in underwear, the black lace halter neck bralette from yesterday, a plain V-neck marbled grey t-shirt, and my ripped jeans from yesterday. I quickly brush my teeth again just because before I start working on my hair, I take it out of its braids and put some dry shampoo and my hair defrizz serum stuff in it before deciding to just leave it down in its current half straight half wavy state. I do pull the front section back into a tiny half up half down look so that my hair isn't in my face. After, finishing my hair I do my makeup which is just moisturizer, mascara, and chapstick for today. Once, that is done I put my jewelry back on which is my rose gold princess ring, a single diamond necklace, a hair tie, and my watch. I do a once over in the mirror before I pack everything that I brought up, make sure that I have everything I need, and head back to the dorm.

"Hello beautiful," Garrett says as I push the door open

"Hi, Handsome" I smile setting my stuff down "Where would you like me to put these?" I ask holding up the towel I used. He just takes it and hangs it up for me

"Are you going to take anything with you?"

"I was going to bring my backpack with at least my laptop in it," I say getting my backpack together with my laptop and planner in it along with my colored pens, random pencils and highlighters, my laptop charger, a charger for my phone, gum, and a few different snacks in it. I also add in my wallet, keys, and watch charger into my backpack. While I am getting that ready I tap my watch and notice that my sugar is slightly high so I throw in extra of my medications making sure to include some pain medicine just in case. I don't feel sore now but I might later.

"Has anyone told you that you look drop-dead fucking gorgeous this morning?"

"Now that I am awake, actually dressed, my hair isn't a mess and I've showered maybe I am pretty. But I wouldn't say I am anywhere close to gorgeous." I tell him while filling my water bottle up again.

"You looked better this morning in my sweats, you looked amazing running in your spandex earlier, and you still look really fucking amazing right now," Garrett tells me and I can feel myself blushing as I tighten my water bottle lid on "Are you ready to go?"

"Let me put my jacket on then yeah I'm ready," I tell him grabbing my lightweight rain jacket and quickly sliding it on followed by my backpack "ready" I smile

"Let's get going, babe. Before I decide to just skip my class this morning to just stay here with you" Garrett says biting his lip afterward I slip out the door followed by Garrett. We get outside heading towards his class before either one of us speaks again.

"Do you have a break after your classes today? Or is it back to back? I can't remember"

"I have 2 classes back to back and then I am done for today. On Mondays and Wednesdays I have 2 classes then Tuesdays and Thursdays I have 3 classes. Friday's I only have one class, this 9:15 to 10:30 class but then during football season we have meetings, film, or something going on all day." Garrett explains and I nod

"What classes do we have today?"

"Math is first unfortunately but then I have communications which should be an easy short day," he says while pulling a door open "How is your sugar?" He asks after we walk through the door and I shrug

"It is okay. I have snacks for if anything happens. How is yours?" I ask waiting before walking because I don't know where I am going

"Mine doesn't go out of control in the blink of an eye. Yours does. So yes I will worry about you. But do you want to take the sketchy old elevators or the stairs to the 3rd floor?"

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