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In a smol house not far from civilization lived a young girl with her cat that she calls as Dusty, this young girl's name is Byeol Y/N

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In a smol house not far from civilization lived a young girl with her cat that she calls as Dusty, this young girl's name is Byeol Y/N.

Yes, Byeol as in star. And she's a witch.

All her life, Y/N was raised by an old witch and don't have any memories about her parents. The old witch raised her and thought her spells and potions, but sadly the old witch died a few years ago leaving Y/N her house and her magic stuffs behind for her.

Y/N goes to an all human high school called Moonlight High, she lives in a small town called Moonlight Valley. Her house is quite far from the other town's people which she likes it to stay like that.

Humans are sometimes nosy, especially that hyper guy that lives not far from her. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Kim Taehyung. That guy is seriously loud.

"Dusty I'm off to school!" Y/N said  as she hummed and the shoelace of hers tied itself, she grabbed the floating bag next to her as her pet cat Dusty hopped off the couch giving her a meow.

Making sure to lock the door behind her she gripped the strap of her bag before skipping her way to school. On her way she saw Taehyung who's waiting for her under the big old tree like always.

"Y/N! Good morning!" Taehyung grinned waving his arms, Y/N gave him a wave as well and they both walked towards to school. Taehyung began to babble on about his morning and how he slipped on a toothpaste cap when he woke up.

Taehyung is the only human that Y/N can tolerate, he's actually fun and sweet to be around. Of course he has no idea about her being a witch but that's a problem for her to worry later.

"How about you? What did you ate for breakfast?" He asked looking down at her, being a 5"1 means Y/N is rather short compare to his much larger and taller frame.

"Just milk and a piece of bread." Y/N mumbled, Taehyung nodded at your answer and finally you both see the school building. It wasn't that big compared to other high school in big cities.

Once they both were inside their classroom Taehyung still kept on talking while Y/N just listened to him. The door suddenly opened harshly as the whole class went silent, "Oh he's here." Taehyung whispered while watching the mint haired boy waltzed inside the classroom before throwing his bag on his desk and sat on his seat.

Min Yoongi.

Just the name and everyone knew who he is, other than being the son of the town's richest businessman he is known for his bad boy reputation and good looks. His pale skin would make any girl envy and his piercing eyes that will make you shiver on the spot if you ever make eye contact.

Y/N never actually talked to the guy other than accidental eye contacts and stuff but that's it.

The teacher walked inside the classroom and first period starts.

Purple smoke came out from the house, the girl inside the house coughed as she waved her hand in front of her trying to fan away the smoke

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Purple smoke came out from the house, the girl inside the house coughed as she waved her hand in front of her trying to fan away the smoke.

She stared at her supposed to be love potion in distress, "Attempt number #25 fail." Y/N sighed holding out her hand as a book poofed on her palm, she wrote down her 25th fail attemp and closed it as the book dissappears.


Dusty crawled out from under the cauldron and shake her body trying to get rid of the purple dust from her midnight black fur. Y/N sighed and smiled before picking up Dusty in her arms, "I'll continue tomorrow. Let's go and make dinner." She left the room and went inside the kitchen to make dinner for the two of them.

"Meow." Dusty rubbed her body against Y/N's leg as she took out the bottle of milk out from the fridge and poured it inside Dusty's purple bowl. Dusty hurriedly went over and drank her milk happily.

Y/N patted Dusty's head before standing up to make her own dinner.

Rolling up the sleeves of her hoodie and tying her jet black hair into a bun, Y/N began her cooking.


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