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Yoongi felt light headed, he could hear people talking but he couldn't make out who's voice it was. Everything was dark and he found himself standing in the middle of an empty road, just a convenient store next to him. "Where the hell am I?" He said to himself and walked aimlessly towards the store, he peeked inside and saw a familiar girl's back. Squinting his eyes he entered the store and it was you!

"Y/N?" He called out but you didn't turn towards him, his frown deepened and he just watched you walk around the isle putting food inside the basket. His eyes darted towards the door as the bell rang indicating someone walked inside, he was surprised to see it was him but it's the 16 year old him. Black hair and a loose black shirt with ripped jeans, Yoongi watched his younger self buying a pack of cigarette.

"Sorry we don't accept cards."

The worker said, "What do you mean? This is the 21st century why the hell you don't accept cards?" Young Yoongi snapped at the worker, "Sorry kid, we only accept cash and if you dont have cash I can't help you." The worker said making young Yoongi curse outloud and just left, Yoongi watched his younger self stormed out.

He turned his attention back to you as you paid for your food, nothing interesting until you did something that made him remember this memory and why it was playing before him. He followed you behind and just like he remembered his young self was sitting under a tree on a bench not far from the store, you took out the pack of cigarettes from your plastic bag and tapped on his shoulder.

"Here you go." The younger version of him stared at the pack with confusion before looking at your face, without saying anything you left him with the pack of cigarettes in his hand. Yoongi peered over his shoulder and saw the small words behind the pack.

"Smoking isn't good for you, but I hope at least you will find something else to cope with your stress :)"

A smile appeared on his face before he realized this was his first encounter with you. He saw himself smiling and his heart clenched in realisation, shit, he's been in love with you since day one and he seriously fucked up.

Yoongi then felt himself being pulled back and now he was standing in the middle of the school hallway, he saw you walking while hugging your bag near your chest and then he saw him walking towards right over you while looking down on his phone. The collision happened and Yoongi saw the pink bottle flying out from your bag and landed on him, "So that's what happened." He mumbled out and saw your panicked look, he chuckled when you quickly ran off leaving his love struct self on the floor.

"Now you understand how this wasn't her fault?"

Yoongi turned around as a very tall man dressed in a red wine suit stood behind him, "You see, Y/N didn't mean to spill the potion on you. Everything happened because of fate itself, somehow you two are destined for each other." The unfamiliar man said.

"Who are you?" Yoongi frowned.

"Namjoon, you'll be seeing me soon but what I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't blame Y/N for your own feelings. You love her, she loves you and that's that. Even if I hate you for making my little star cry and I should be snapping your neck by now but im going to give you a chance." Namjoon walked towards Yoongi, "You'll have to fix the shit you caused and make sure you end up with her and not that Jaebum dude." Yoongi nodded.

With that Namjoon snapped his fingers and everything was pulled back quickly and Yoongi himself felt himself being pulled back as well. He woke up but groaned out when the light blurred his vision, once everything was back to normal he noticed he was on a hospital bed covered with bandages and his whole body was aching.

"Yoongi hyung!"

"I feel like I got ran over by a bulldozer." Yoongi grunted out and saw Jimin and Jungkook next to his bed, ""Thank God you're awake! We were worried." Jimin sighed out in relief while Jungkook nodded, "I'll call the doctor." He offered and sprinted out from the ward just in time as Mrs. Min walked inside and broke down into tears.

"Yoongi!" She cried and immediately hugged Yoongi who groaned in pain, "Mum, mind the bruises please." He said and she sniffed before pinched his good arm, "Ouch! What the heck is that for?" Yoongi yelped, "For making me almost had a heart attack, do you know how scared I was when the hospital called saying you got into an accident?" Mrs. Min babbled on and on.

"Wait, did Y/N came?" Yoongi asked Jimin ignoring his mother's nagging, Jimin nervously played with his fingers and being friends with the boy for years made yoongi know that something was wrong. "What happened while I was out? And how long?" He asked the boy, Mrs. Min looked at Jimin and just nodded.

"You've been out for a week hyung and Y/N... well." Jimin hesitated but Yoongi was impatient, "Park Jimin, tell me where rhe fuck is Y/N now." Yoongi growled out and Jimin gulped bracing himself, "H-hyung, Y/N's been missing."

Everything stopped for Yoongi, Y/N's been missing? "What the hell do you mean?" Yoongi gritted out feeling his chest tightened in pain, "Hyung, when Jungkook didn't find Taehyung at his house he went to Y/N's house but she wasn't home. Her door was left opened and everything inside has been destroyed, the police are still looking for her. Both Y/N and Taehyung been gome for a week."

"You're joking."

Jimin shook his head already tearing up and Yoongi cursed under his breath and threw a plant pot next to him, angry tears flowed down his cheeks which just made the pain in his chest grew.

"Im Jaebum im going to fucking murder you."

***Dun dun dun

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Dun dun dun

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