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Yoongi opened his eyes and looked around trying to find out where he is. He was standing in the middle of an empty road, just like in his dream. But isn't this supposed to be your dream? He ignored it and just looked around as he walked aimlessly, "Y/N?!" He shouted trying to look for you, he kept running but there was no end.

He looked ahead and noticed a light, without thinking twice he ran straight towards the source. He was not in the middle of the road but he was now surrounded by very tall walls, he turned around to go back but a wall was blocking his way. What the hell is this? A maze? Is this like a race to get to you first?

Trusting his instincts he just kept walking trying to figure out an exit or just trying to find you. Turning into a corner he bumped into something or someone, once he looked up his eyes darkened.

"You!" Yoongi growled grabbing Jaebum by the collar, "Where did you hide Y/N you fucking bastard?!" Yoongi yelled but Jaebum pushed him off roughly, "Y/N has nothing to do with you anymore asshole!" Jaebum spat and Yoongi clenched his fists, with a swing of his left fist he landed a hard punch on Jaebum's face making the boy stumble back at the force.

Jaebum spat out the blood from his mouth and glared at Yoongi, "That's how you want to play huh?" He said as he stood up, "Bring it on Min."

Back at the mansion Taehyung peered towards Yoongi as the guy lay lifeless on the bed, after he passed out Jin told Taehyung to bring him up to the room. "Luckily you're not big like Jungkook, if you are I have to drag you up." Taehyung mumbled, Dusty jumped on the bed and sniffed Yoongi before scowling.

"He smells like a dog."

"That's because he has one."

Dusty hissed lowly but sat down next to Yoongi anyways, Taehyung plopped himself down on the chair and stared at the mint haired guy. "As much as I hate you Yoongi but I rather choose Y/N to be with you than Jaebum, and your ass better get her before Jaebum does." Taehyung said to him not knowing if he can hear him or not.

Jin and Hoseok were busy trying to figure out a plan to catch Erada, "How about garlic?" Hoseok suggested, "Hoseok, Erada is a powerful witch slash vampire. We're just wizard in training, well me of course and we can't beat vampires easily." Jin said. Hoseok just groaned and threw away the piece of paper, "We need to act fast though, who knows what that fucking bitch will do."

Hoseok just sighed out as the two tried to figure out another plan, "How about... asking help from another vampire?" Hoseok suggested, Jin stared at him in shock. "Have you any idea how dangerous that is? Even if there is a vampire who is willing to help it won't be effective because Erada is powerful." Jin reasoned out. Vampires are one of the top creatures in the magic realm along with werewolves and demons, vampires are on the top because they drain blood from living creatures to survive which is why they are feared.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now