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I scooted closer to Yoongi the moment the main character of the story stupidly stepped inside the abandoned building. Yoongi thought it'll be a nice idea to watch a horror movie at my place.


I yelped in shock when the killer caught the main actress and dragged her towards a basement. "Yoongi... I don't like this." I mumbled, "Can we change the movie-" I paused when I saw Yoongi already knocked out with his mouth gaping wide. This guy, how the hell can he even fall asleep during a scary movie?!


I looked down to see Dusty crawling out from behind the curtains, she rubbed her body against my leg before jumping on my lap. She growled while staring at Yoongi, ever since Yoongi stepped foot inside my house Dusty has clearly shown how she hates the guy.

"Dusty." I softly warned her, Dusty just grunted under her breath and gave me a look. "I know... I want to help him okay? Stop looking at me like that." I scoffed but my cat being the cat she is ignored me and gave Yoongi one last glare before the screaming sound from the TV made me scream in shock, Dusty even jumped and buried herself inside the layers of blankets and pillows on the sofa.

Yoongi woke up with a snort from my little scream, "Huh? What?" He was still in dazed as he woke up and stretched his limbs, "Damn, is the movie over already?"

"No... but you fell asleep leaving me to watch the movie. I don't even know why you even bother to have movie night together." I mumbled childishly and turned my back towards him, I heard him laughing and felt his body behind me with his arms wrapped around me.

"Sorry baby girl, I have a habit to fall asleep everytime I watch a movie. Forgive your oppa?"

Damn you Min Yoongi fucking up my feelings like this.


He turned me around before leaning down to peck me on the lips, I blushed a deep red. "Cute, yet tempting." He whispered before leaning down again and this time our kiss was slow, his hand went to grab my nape to deepened the kiss. Dusty popped out and just ran away not wanting to see us making out on the sofa, the kiss broke and I finally realized that I was laying on my back with Yoongi straddling me with an unreadable look on his face.


He didn't say anything instead he got off me and grabbed his jacket from the armchair, "Yoongi!" I called and chased after him, I ran out of the house to see him starting the engine of his car before zooming away from the driveway leaving me confused and hurt.

He didn't say anything instead he got off me and grabbed his jacket from the armchair, "Yoongi!" I called and chased after him, I ran out of the house to see him starting the engine of his car before zooming away from the driveway leaving me confu...

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"The potion probably wore off."

The next day I visited Jin at his place in the magic realm where he lived, "He didn't say anything, he just stared at me with this... blank look and just stormed off." I would be lying if I didn't say that his actions made me hurt last night, was I a bad kisser? Or it really is like Jin said, the potion wore off and he was shocked that he was kissing a girl like me.

"Jin oppa."

Jin hummed while he cooked something for me saying that food is the best way to heal a broken heart, "Am I ugly?"

He paused before looking over me with wide confused eyes.

"Y/N, sweetie if you're ugly my ass wouldn't hangout with you

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"Y/N, sweetie if you're ugly my ass wouldn't hangout with you. You can ask that human Taehyung as well, you're not ugly. Though I'm still better looking than you but that's not the point."

I chuckled and just played with my fingers feeling my self esteem getting lower and lower. Jin sighed as he walked towards me and crouched down since he's taller, "Look Y/N, Yoongi isn't the guy for you if he acts like that. Don't tell me you fell for that small human?" He asked, I bit my lip and looked at him through glassy eyes and puckered out my lips.

"Merlin's whiskers you did fell in love with him."

"I hate this!" I cried out and hid my face in my arms, what will I say if I meet him at school? Will he hit me? Or will be insult me in front of the whole school? Damn it Y/N!

"Cry later, the food is ready and I made steak for you."

I sniffed and waved a finger as a box of tissue appeared in front of me and blew out my nose loudly. "Thanks Jin oppa, all i have to do is avoid Min Yoongi at school tomorrow and everything will be okay." I sighed out, it's time to face reality.

Min Yoongi will never like me.

***The potion wore off???? Nani????

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The potion wore off???? Nani????

***The potion wore off???? Nani????

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