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You arrived in front of the old tree and again chanted out a spell to open up the portal, instead of the witch market you arrived in front of a big old castle. The gargoyles moved as it sense a presence and began to talk in a foreign language.

"Who dares to step on the property of the Kim?"

The gargoyles had red eyes as it landed on your figure, you replied in the same language.

"Byeol Y/N, granddaughter of Byeol Gaeun the grand witch."

The gargoyles went back to its place the giant wooden door opened by itself, you entered and felt chills seeing the eerie surroundings of the castle. The entrance door opened as pale and very tall man greeted you at the door, "Madam Byeol, what a surprise visit." The man bowed at you.

"Hey Mingyu, is Namjoon home?" You asked the man who nodded before he let you inside the castle, the big chandelier greeted you along with the grand staircases that is decorated with red carpet, even if you visited a lot of times before the place always amazes you.

"Hello little star."

You turned around to see Namjoon dressed in a black buttoned up shirt and black sleeks, his black hair was pushed back revealing his forehead but what really stood out was his red pupils and fangs. "Namjoon oppa!" You smiled and ran up the stairs and hugged the vampire as he chuckled, "Wow, you finally visited after 5 months huh? I thought you already forgot about me." Namjoon patted your head gently.

"No I didn't, I've been... busy." You said still looking up at him, Namjoon is a royal blood vampire and your family and his are friends for centuries now. He met your parents and grandmother before you were even born, and yes Namjoon is very old. "What brings you here?" He asked snapping his fingers as the two of you are now inside his office, "I wanted to ask you something." You said nervously.

The man frowned sensing your heartbeat beating faster than usual and yoir body language seemed off. "Tell me little star." He said.

"I did something bad... but it was an accident I swear!" You started when noticing Namjoon squinting his eyes ready to scold you, "I made a love potion and accidentally brought it with me to school, I wanted to put it inside my locker but someone ran into me and... well." You hesitated to continue.

"Go on." Namjoon said while leaning against his leather chair while tapping his sharp nails against the oak table. You gulped and braced yourself, "Thepotionfellonthepersonwhoisahumanalsotheschoolbadboyandhewasunderthelovepotionformonthsnowand-"

Namjoon stopped your babling, "Now even if I sharp hearings doesn't mean I can understand you Y/N, tell me slowly."

You sighed out, "The potion fell on the one who bumped into me and he's been under that potion for months now."

Namjoon frowned at your words, "And what happened?"

"Well, I somehow get to be his girlfriend for a while before the potion wore off one day and now he hates me."

He nodded processing your words in his genius brain, "And what seemed to be the trouble? He's not under the love potion anymore." You shook your head at him, "The problem is I'm the one who needs help now." You stared at Namjoon and for the first time he finally noticed the little bruise on your face.

"Namjoon oppa, I'm in love with him but he hates me and even hurts me. Yesterday he tried... he... he forced himself to me which i luckily ran away." You told him and Namjoon's red pupils widened, "He what?" Hissing out in anger as you flinched already expecting gis reaction. "Oppa, I know what I'm about to ask you is very stupid and dangerous but please..." you walked closer to his desk with desperation in your eyes.

"How do I get to Erada's cabin?"

At your words Namjoon stood up almost making the chair flew back due to the force, "What?! Y/N that place is forbidden not only by the vampire elders but the whole fucking supernatural realm!" He shouted while staring at you as if you're crazy, which is understandable because Erada was the one who sold her soul to the devil and put herself in black magic.

"Please, it hurts so much that everytime Yoongi say awful things to me or even do stuff to hurt me! I just need that love breaking potion that's all!" You begged with tears in your eyes, Namjoon have watched you since you were still in your mother's womb he's your godfather as well even if your father was hesitant to let a vampire prince hold your infant self. Namjoon watched you grow even after your parent's death and promised your grandmother to take care of you as her last wish. Seeing you hurt is something that Namjoon couldn't stand, especially if a mere mortal is the reason for your tears.

He sighed and pulled you on his lap like he used to when you were just a kid, "My little star, not everything can be resolved through magic. I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through this pain alone but I promise you that everything will be okay." Namjoon said hugging you while you just sniffed and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly.

"I won't let anything hurt you anymore. I promise."

A vampire was said to not be angered if you wish for a terrible death, but Min Yoongi you just angered a royal vampire and you're fucked.

A vampire was said to not be angered if you wish for a terrible death, but Min Yoongi you just angered a royal vampire and you're fucked

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