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(Flashback a few months ago)

Jaebum was inside the forest where his father will train him daily in order to become the perfect gang leader in the future. Jaebum actually finished his training an hour ago and the sun was beginning to set, he ventured inside the thick trees and bushes not caring if the mud staining his sports shoes. He spotted a dead willow tree and took out the book from his bag, the same tree in the book.

Jaebum felt his heart beating rapidly as he walked closer towards the tree, to others its just a normal dead tree that should be taken down but no. The tree is actually far from a normal tree, Jaebum knew how different he was from the rest of his family members. Why would he even have access to the book of dark magics that he found when he was 16? He turned the page as an ancient dark spell was written on the back, lifting up his hand he chanted out the spell carefully.

It didn't take too long before the wind began to pick up, thunder lights filled the sky and Jaebum was getting scared. The willow tree shook furiously and he watched in amazement as a dark red portal appeared from the tree, a figure emerge from the portal dressed in a victorian style black dress, her skin pale as the moonlight with red shining eyes.

"Now who freed me from my prison?"

Jaebum gulped and put away the book quickly, "M-me." He stammered out, Erada looked over him before a wicked smile appeared on her lips showing her sharp fangs that made Jaebum shake. "And why would a young mortal summons a vampire? What is that you wish?" Erada took slow steps towards Jaebum circling him like a predator ready to jump on its prey.

"Something that you longed for centuries." Jaebum said trying to be brave, he jumped when he felt her ice cold fingertips touched his jawline. "And what is that I longed for centuries child? Do tell me." Erada hissed lowly,


Erada stopped as she stared at him, "Love?" She spat the word with vemom, "Love. Something that I longed for, that's true young man but tell me why. Tell me why does it interest you about my cursed love story?" She hummed.

Jaebum was scared obviously but he needs to do this because it's the only way, "Because I'm in love... with someone who doesn't love me." He started, Erada just stared at him snd he took it as a cue to continue. "She is with another man, they love each other but I love her more than him." Jaebum said.

"What do you wish?"

"I want your love breaking potion."

Erada's lips curled widely as she giggled.

"Wish granted."

Dusty knew something was off the moment she got back from playing with Jaebum's cats

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Dusty knew something was off the moment she got back from playing with Jaebum's cats. You were still that lively girl but something was off, your eyes was different. Since Dusty isn't a normal housecat, she is actually a witch's cat which means what she sees is different and from what she sees is that your eyes weren't brown but it was dark red.

Dusty tried to remember what potion will make your eyes that shade of red. Obviously you're not a vampire.

"Come on Dusty, let's go to bed." You called as Dusty immediately jumped on her cat bed and curled herself on the soft lump, you smiled before turning off the lamp and laid down before sleep took over you.

The next day at school Taehyung found you by the lockers as you got your books out, "OMG you're still alive!" Taehyung hugged you until your feet left the floor, "Let go!" You squealed in shocked and finally the boy lets go of you, "Thank God you're alive! I thought Jaebum hurt you or something, I can't even call you because you don't have a phone. That's it! We'll go phone shopping after school." Taehyung declared earning weird glances from the rest of the students.

"Okay Tae, calm down first." You tried to calm down the babbling Taehyung as he was busy saying how important it is to have a phone at this age and time because you don't know what will happen and bla bla bla-

"Hyung you need to calm down."

You turned around and saw Jimin and Jungkook smiling at you. "H-hey Y/N." Jimin waved awkwardly as you just waved back at him emotionlessly. "Why are you being so loud hyung?" Jungkook asked and then Taehyung repeated his speech tonthe two other guys making you sigh.

"Come on guys."

Yoongi walked towards your group, Jimin widened his eyes and stared at Jungkook with an expression that says 'what the fuck is he doing here?! I thought you said he skipped?' To Jungkook replied with, 'the hell should I know??'.

"You know im standing here right?" Yoongi rolled his eyes at them, "Y-Yoongi, um... I thought you skipped class?" Jimin cleared his throat, "I wanted to give something to someone." Yoongi said while looking at you as you raised your eyebrows at his direction. "The hell are you looking at?" You snapped at him, the guys were all shocked especially Yoongi.


Taehyung dropped his jaw the moment you rolled your eyes in irritation. Yup, Byeol Y/N rolled her eyes at Min Yoongi. "I asked why were you looking at me turtle face?" You asked rudely to which angered Yoongi even more, "Listen here you fucking whore-" Yoongi gritted out but Taehyung immediately stood in between you and Yoongi.

"I warned you Min." Taehyung glared at Yoongi but the mint haired guy shoved him away roughly, "So this is your true colour? You act all innocent and shit but after you put me under your fucking witchcraft and that shit stopped you finally show how bitchy you are? My, what a fun game you're playing here Byeol Y/N." Yoongi growled.

You scoffed and took a step towards him, "So what if I put you under a spell? It wasn't my fault that your fucking blind ass decided to bump into me and made that potion fall on you." You hissed in anger, Yoongi widened his eyes slightly. "If only you used your fucking eyes none of this wouldn't happened." With that you push him harshly, the force made Yoongi stumble back but he quickly caught his balance.

"Yeah you're right Yoongi, I'm a witch. Happy?"


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