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I was walking to class alone in the morning, I was busy reading the notes in my hand that I didn't noticed I bumped into something hard.


Looking up to see what I just bumped into, it was none other than Min Yoongi who is looking down at me. "Watch where you're going baby girl." He sighed and rubbed my for forehead, "Sorry." I mumbled and put away the notes in my hand and looked at him, he had this smirk on his face and I cleared my throat trying to hide my red face.

"Uh... good morning?" I waved awkwardly. Yoongi just chuckled and grabbed my hand in his before pulling me down the hallway, I widened my eyes and just looked down since everyone was looking at us. "Don't hide your pretty face." Yoongi said titling my head upwards as I look at him with wide eyes.

He walked me towards somewhere and saw Jungkook and Jimin together laughing at something before moving their gaze to me, "Hey Y/N!" Jimin waved as I greeted them awkwardly, their eyes dropped on our hands and both of them gave us a knowing look.

"Wah, is the Min Yoongi finally settling down?" Jimin teased which made my face burn even more. "Stop it." Yoongi rolled his eyes but tugged me even closer and placed his arm around my shoulder, I felt my phone vibrated and saw it was a text from Tae.

Tae: Where are you?

"Will it be okay if Tae tag along with us?" I asked while looking up at Yoongi, "Sure! I mean, the more the merrier!" Jungkook chimed quickly, "A friend of yours are a friend of ours baby girl." Yoongi said pinching my nose making me scrunch up my nose.

You: Hey, I'm at school already with Yoongi and his friends. He says you can tag along, we're at the third floor.

Tae: Is Jungkook there?

You: Yes ;))


"He's on his way." I told them, I just watched silently as they talk with each other though Yoongi still has his arms around my shoulder as he roleld his eyes at something Jimin said.


I saw Taehyung peeking from the door, I excused myself as Yoongi looked at me questioningly but I just ignored him and quickly head out to see my friend. "Come in." I said pulling his wrist but he just stay rooted on the ground, "What the... Tae it will be fine! Jungkook said it's okay for you to join." I said pulling the guy inside the room.

"Oh it's Taehyung!" Jimin grinned,


You enjoyed spending time with Yoongi and his friends, and you could tell that Taehyung really enjoys his time with Jungkook too. Once school session was over Yoongi offered to drive you home which you accepted since Jungkook asked Taehyung to hangout after school and obviously Taehyung accepted without even batting an eyelash.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now