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"Hyung please, you just got out from the hospital." Jimin begged as I grabbed my car keys, "Jimin, you're a great friend and all but I need to find Y/N." I sighed out and winced as I put on my jacket, my shoulder was still healing but Y/N is more important. "The police are-"

"The police can't do shit Jimin." I snapped at him, "Im Jaebum is the only son of Im Hansool, Daegu's top gang leader which means he has connections to save his ass. Even if he doesn't the police can't touch him because of his status okay? The longer Y/N is with Jaebum the more danger she is in." I said and with that I left with my car.

Just as I was driving my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and it was Taehyung. "Hello?" I answered.

"Even if I hate you but Y/N loves you and you love her."

"Just get to the point Kim."

"I can help find Y/N, only if you promise not to freak out too much."


"Where are you."

Taehyung sent me the address and I made a sharp turn and head towards him. I arrived in front of a big mansion as Taehyung ran out of the door the moment I got out, "You're here, good. Now follow me!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside the mansion, once we were inside I could see two other guys by the living room.

"Finally he's here." A familiar tall guy sighed out, I squinted my eyes trying to remember where I seen him before but he beat me to it. "Well hello again Yoongi, I hope you still remember me." He said and I finally remembered his name. "Jin." I said and he nodded, "Hi! My name is Hoseok, anyways since you're Y/N's boyfriend this will be easier." Hoseok smiled.

"I'm not-"

"Oh shush, sit your ass down here and let us do the talking." Taehyung pushed me down on the chair as I glared at him, "Taehyung told us that you know Y/N is a witch." Jin started while taking out stuff from his bag, I eyed his movements hesitantly since the stuffs he's taking out are glass bottles filled with colourful liquids and some kind of herbs. "Yeah, are you one as well?" I asked him, "Yes, I'm an apprentice for a warlock actually and Y/N is a friend since childhood, Hoseok here is a supplier but he knows his way in the magic world as well." Jin explained.

"So, how are we going to get Y/N back?"

"Not we, you." Hoseok pointed out, "Me? What the hell am I supposed to do?" I frowned, "You see, we're thinking that Y/N may be under a potion. Taehyung, tell him." Taehyung sighed as he put down Y/N's cat from his lap, "A week ago, I told Y/N that you got into an accident. She asked who's Yoongi."


"She doesn't know me?" I frowned. "Exactly. Dusty here said that she wasn't acting like she would normally do, remember when she suddenly snapped at you? That was Y/N under the potion." Taehyung continued, a small pop made me jump and turned around as Jin and Hoseok were mixing something in a bowl.

"And what am I supposed to do?"

"You're going to meet her, and make sure she haven't fall too deep under the potion." Jin spoke up holding the bowl in his hand, I feel something bad about this. "We're going to use this crystal ball to find her location, Hoseok will use this doll to make her fall asleep and you'll go inside her dream to wake her real self up." He explained as I took the words in.

"What if... something goes wrong?" I mumbled nervously, "It won't, because we trust you." Hoseok smiled patting my shoudler lightly, I stared at him and at Jin who shared the same expression as well. Taehyung sighed out and just gave me a faint smile, these guys trust me too much and I just what? Met them a few minutes ago?

"Fine, how does this work?" I sighed and leaned against the chair, "Yes! I mixed up this sleeping sand with some herbs, this will make you fall asleep at the same time Hoseok will use this doll so that Y/N can sleep too. Once you're inside her dream find her and wake her up, but you have a time limit. 2 hours only, because from Dusty's observation of the crystal ball Y/N has only a drop of the love potion left to take before she'll completely forget us." Jin said seriously and I for the first time listened someone's order carefully.

"It won't take too long for Jaebum to realized what's happening so, go to her before he does." Hoseok said. "Okay, I'm ready." I let out a deep breath, Jin took a handful on his palm before blowing the stuff on my face. Instantly I felt light headed and my eyes were heavy every second, it didn't took too long for me to black out completely.


Meanwhile, you were in the kitchen with Jaebum as you had lunch together. You were laughing at something he said before you felt a heavy force hittinf your head, noticing your discomfort Jaebum frowned. "What's wrong Y/N?" He asked you, you shook your head lightly before your eyes rolled back and your body fell down with a thud.

"Y/N!" Jaebum panicked and immediately held your unconscious body to his, "Erada!" He called and the said vampire appeared, she crouched down and placed her palm on your forehead as her eyes darkened. "Someone found her, they're trying to wake her up from the potion." Erada said making Jaebum frown, "H-how?" He asked.

"Looks like your love isn't a human, she's a witch and her friends figured out how to contact her. Bring her to the room." Erada said and without questioning Jaebum lifted your body bridal style towards the bedroom where he gently placed you on the bed. "Is she going to be okay?" Jaebum asked her worriedly, his hands caressed your cheeks gently.

"She won't be once she knows she's under a potion, but there's something you can do. I'll make a spell so you'll go inside her dream, once you're inside it's up to you. If she wakes up she won't love you anymore."

Jaebum felt torn but made his decision, "I won't let her leave me."

Erada mumbled a spell out loud as she pointed her hand towards Jaebum, his eyes rolled back and fell limp on the ground next to the bed.


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𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now