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I cursed myself for being clumsy

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I cursed myself for being clumsy.

A strong force made me pushed to the side, my bag and the stuff inside flew out. As if in slow motion, the pink potion I spent all night making flew out as well and all I could do is watch in agony as the love potion fell down but not on the floor.

But on someone, and that someone is none other than Min Yoongi. The school's bad boy.

"Aish! Fucking watch where-" I gasped as his eyes went from his usual dark orbs to a flash of pink before it went back to his normal eye colour, and all I could do is;

"Oh shit."


I just watched the mint haired guy sat on the floor in front of me with his head covered with the pink potion down to his jacket.

"Um..." I quickly stood up and grabbed the now empty potion glass and stuffed it inside my bag, by now everyone was staring at us waiting for anything to happen.

"I-I... I'll go, I'm sorry!" I bowed deeply and turned on my heels to head towards the cafeteria where Taehyung is waiting.

"W-wait!" He called but I ignored him and ran quickly towards the cafeteria.

I'm fucked up!

I was in detention class and the teacher just told us to do whatever we want but not to cause any ruckus, I was with a few students who either forgot to their works and the delinquents

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I was in detention class and the teacher just told us to do whatever we want but not to cause any ruckus, I was with a few students who either forgot to their works and the delinquents.

Hours went by and the teacher finally let us go, the good thing about detention is that I get to do my homework and all I need to do is figure out what should i do with Yoongi.

Walking down the quiet hallways I finally made it at the school gates.

I felt someone holding my wrist and I turned around to only suck in my breath.

It's Yoongi!

"Uh... I wanted to, talk to you." He said scratching his nape awkwardly. This is the first time I'm actually talking to him, you can't blame me that this boy is a total jackass and cold hearted like damn.

"I was actually waiting for you, why were you late?" He asked.

"I got detention." I answered, he was still holding my wrist so when he noticed I was looking down at my wrist he quickly let go.

"S-sorry... Anyways, um... I." He licked his lips and I just stared at him.

Who knew that love potion can turn someone who is as cold as him like this.

I shouldn't be enjoying this.

But yet again...

"What is it?" I asked him curious on what will he say, "C-can I have your number?" He blurted out and a tint of pink appeared on his cheeks.

Is Min Yoongi blushing?! Damn my love potion must've been that strong.

"I don't even know you that well... besides, I don't have a phone." I told him, my information seemed to shock him as he stared at ne with gaping mouth.

"You don't have a phone? Seriously?" He asked and I just nodded, I mean being a witch and all means that I can easily contact with my other witch friends using the crystal ball.

Costs lesser.

"I'll go first, it's getting late." I told him and walked away leaving him.

I need to find a cure for that potion because I can't let him stay like that forever.

Me and Taehyung walked to class together the next day at school, he was telling me about this new show he watched last night before someone blocked our way

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Me and Taehyung walked to class together the next day at school, he was telling me about this new show he watched last night before someone blocked our way.

We looked up and saw it was Yoongi, he was staring at Taehyung with a scary expression.

"Can I talk to Y/N... alone?" Yoongi squinted his eyes at Taehyung who doesn't seemed fazed. "And why would I leave her alone with you?" Taehyung asked.

Not wanting a fight to break out I quickly stopped them.

"Guys stop, Yoongi I'll go and talk to you while you Taehyung, go to class." I glared at them both, Taehyung scoffed but took my bag from my shoulder while I just gave him a reassuring smile before he walked inside the classroom.

I turned my attention towards Yoongi.

"What is it?"

"Go out with me tomorrow."


"Wait... what?" I asked in shocked, just in case if I nisheard this. Yoongi looked down and I could see how nervous he is, my love potion is fucking powerful!

He finally looked up shyly, "Go on a date with me tomorrow." He said louder this time and we received stares from the other students

A date with Min Yoongi? I shouldn't be enjoying this because he won't be in love with me if it wasn't for that love potion, but when will you ever get to see the school's bad boy asking you out?


If this really happened to you would you help him or just go with the flow? 😂

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