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Say the name!

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Why did I forgot that Yoongi is a basketball player as well? Im so stupid! Damn it, is it too late to disappear now? But more importantly, where should I sit? Dang it Y/N why didn't you thought about this before?

I slowly made my way towards our school team side and sat at the very corner and waited for the match to start.

(A/N: im sorry if the stuff imma bout to type is different because idk shit about basketball and all i know is about volleyball lmfao)

The match started and I watched in awe as the players dribbled the ball and even passing it to their teammates. My eyes went to Yoongi seeing how serious he is, watching this match made me realized how small he is actually compared to other players because from my observation basketball players are tall as hell.

But that is Yoongi's advantages, his smaller frame can easily slip past the other players and since he's lighter than them he can jump higher despite the goal keeper being two feet taller than him.

"One point for BH High!"

I cheered outloud along with the crowd as our school scored the first point of the first set, I looked over JYP High to see Jaebum encouraging his other teammates he even patted Jeongin on the head making me uwu.

He looked up and gave me a wink which of course made me blush because who wouldn't if Jaebum winked at you. I glanced over to the side a widened my eyes to see Yoongi glaring sharply at me making me look down quickly. What the hell is his problem anyways?

The match continued on as I watched nervously as the players from each team struggled to catch the ball. "Y/N!" I turned around and was shocked to see Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung sitting a few seats above me. "Sit here." Taehyung mouthed and I just quickly head over towards them.

"I didn't know you'll be here as well." Jimin said as he handed me a piece of candy which I took it of course, "Oh just here for the team spirit." I lied and popped the candy inside my mouth. We continued watching the match until it was half time, the boys quickly went down to greet Yoongi but I stayed back and watched a far.

Yoongi looked up and I gave him an awkward wave but he scoffed before turning his back to talk to the guys. Sighing out dejectedly my eyes casually went to the other side of the court to see Jaebum who gave me a wave, I smiled back at him when he gestured me to come over while the cheerleaders were performing.

I made sure nobody see me as I head towards Jaebum, "Yoongi is being an ass to you." He said as soon as I was in front of him, "Well, he's Min Yoongi." Shrugging and we just kept on talking with each other happily. I was pulled back instantly from a harsh tug on my left wrist and a mint haired guy was standing in front of me.

"Stay away from her."

I stared at the back of his head with wide eyes before looking over Jaebum who had a serious and annoyed look on his face, "I thought you and her are over Min." Yoongi's grip around my wrist tightened which was getting painful, "L-let go." I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear, "Shut the fuck up Y/N." Yoongi gritted out.

"Hey, you're hurting her." Jaebum took a step forward but Yoongi pushed him back, "I said stay away from her bastard, whatever you're planning to do ends here. And you are coming with me." Yoongi harshly pulled me towards the back of the court near the locker room before pinning me against one of the lockers.

"What the hell are you doing on that bastard's side? Are you planning to use whatever witchcraft shit you did on me to him now? Is that it? Are you that desperate Y/N?" Yoongi spat out angrily, I didn't have time to respond when he spoke again.

"Fine, I'll give whatever the fuck you want." I was confused for a second before he pressed his lips on mine, I widened my eyes in shock because the kiss wasn't like the one we shared during the party it was more angry and rough. I gasped when his hands groped my ass and that's when I finally snapped, I pushed him off me and slapped him harshly until i felt a stinging sensation on my palm.

"I hate you Yoongi, and I'll never forgive you." I hissed out in anger and ran out of the locker room and towards the exit. "Y/N!" I heard Taehyung calling but I simply ignored him, I chanted out a spell under my breath and soon found myself in front of my door back home.


I ignored Dusty and head straight to my room and threw myself on the bed. "I fucking hate you Min Yoongi."


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