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I just stared as Namjoon and Jimin fought Erada, what surprise me is how well Jimin and Namjoon worked together like, do they know each other or something? And Jimin's a werewolf?!

"Let's move somewhere safe." Jaebum said as he helped Hoseok up, "Jaebum? What are you doing here?" You asked as Yoongi helped you up, you hurt your side and ankle making it hard to move arouns without any help. "After the guys left Namjoon appeared along with Jimin, I told them where you guys are and we teleported here." He explained, "And, I think we could use this." Jaebum took out a necklace from his pocket as you stared at the red ruby, "That's Erada's locket, how did you get that?" Jin asked him with wide eyes, "Namjoon gave it to me, he said that the locket is powerful to beat Erada. He's going to trap her inside this locket so she can't get out." Jaebum told the plan.

"Does he need any help?" Taehyung asked while pointing at the two creatures who are busy fighting the witch, "He's a royal vampire Tae, nothing a mere witch can beat him." Hoseok waved him off. A howl caught our attention to see Erada pushing away a limp Jimin from her body, "That's it! You're going back to that dungeon." Namjoon snapped, before Erada could even react he was already choking her while his other hand twirled making her unable to move her body.

"Jaebum, the locket!"

Jaebum quickly ran over and hand the locket to Namjoon, "You know... you've grown even good looking after centuries." Erada gave gave him a weak smile, Namjoon ignored her as he chanted something in an foreign language under his breath. "How's JiHee?" Erada kept talking and I frowned before realisation sink in me.

"Is Namjoon the vampire that Erada fell in love with?" I asked, "I'm not sure but they seemed to know each other." Hoseok answered for me, the locket glowed and Namjoom finally looked over at Erada. "That chance from 3 centuries ago is still open Erada." Namjoon said as Erada scoffed, "I rather choose to be locked up than seeing yountwo together."

For the first time I felt bad for Erada, it's not her fault for falling in love with Namjoon. But it's her fault that she choose to let her emotion take over her, and that jealously turned into something dark and dangerous notnonly for herself but Namjoon and JiHee, whoever that is.

I felt Yoongi intertwining our fingers together making me look at him, he gave me a weak smile to which I returned. "I'm sorry but I can't return my feelings for you, I love JiHee and she's my soul mate." He sighed and Erada just looked down, "Just... put me back." She said dejectedly, Namjoon held the locket out and just like that she was sucked inside the locket  nothing like a dust.

Namjoon sighed as he held the locket in his palm before glancing over me, "Come on, let's get you kids back home." He said, Yoongi helped me up but Namjoon was quick as he stood by our side, "I'm still mad at you young man, but I'll deal with you later." Namjoon glared at Yoongi who gulped, "Joonie." I tugged on his sleeve and we all went back to the human world.

" I tugged on his sleeve and we all went back to the human world

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(A few months later)

"Here by, I declare Byeol Y/N, to finish her witch training and be named officially as a witch."

I bowed as the grand master wizard placed the black pointed hat on me. "Rise." I stood up straightly before turning around and smiled, finally! I'm an official witch! Everyone cheered and my eyes darted over to the right side to see my friends clapping for me as well. After the ceremony I immediately ran down and hugged Namjoon, "I did it!" I giggled happily, "Congratulations Y/N." JiHee smiled as she gave me a hug as well, "Thank you unnie." I said and finally went over to my friends.

Taehyung broke into tears before hugging me causing my feet to leave the ground, "I'm so proud of you munchkin!" I hugged my best friend back happily, Hoseok, Jin, Jungkook and Jimin came along to my ceremony as well and they each gave me a hug. "Where's Yoongi?" I asked them, Jungkook pointed behind me and turned around.

"Congratulations babe." Yoongi gave me a gummy smile while holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, his newly dyed black hair made his pale skin pop out. He openes his arms wide for me as I jumped inside his embrace, his manly cologne instantly made my heart beat fast.

"Let's take a picture and go eat, I'm hungry." Jin clapped his hands, Jungkook took out his camera and already went into G.C.F mode. "No! You're going in with us." Taehyung pulled him and before pulling a random person to take the picture for us. I stood in the middle with Yoongi on my left, Taehyung on my right. Namjoon stood behind me while putting his hand on top of my shoulder.

"Okay. 1 2 3, say freaky!"


Dusty popped out of nowhere and jumped inside the frame just in time as the button was pressed. I caught her in my arms before smiling.

"Oh Dusty."

T H E  E N D

T H E  E N D

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