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Another puff of blue smoke filled the whole attic as Y/N coughed and stared at the potion dejectedly

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Another puff of blue smoke filled the whole attic as Y/N coughed and stared at the potion dejectedly. "Another fucking fail." She sighed as Dusty just meowed from the floor already getting ready to sleep.

It was already 10pm and Y/N has school tomorrow. She has been doing this potion since yesterday and it was a fail but the girl is determined to do the potion. Why? Because Y/N has a whole shelf of potions that she has been making for years now, the shelf for the forbidden potions has only one which is the Blood Moon potion.

The potion is actually a type of poison for vampires and demons, since it's harmful it is considered as forbidden but Y/N gave zero fucks about it.

Hours past by and Y/N finally noticed the sun began to rise up, with obvious eye bags she is still stiring the cauldron before finally...

Pink smoke puffed out from the cauldron and the potion turned to its clear pink colour.

"OH MY GOD! DUSTY I DID IT!" Y/N screamed causing the poor kitty to jump from the table and onto the ground.

Dusty gave Y/N a glare, "Meow." But the witch wasn't paying attention as she poured the liquid inside a medium sized glass jar. She held the potion in her arms in pure bliss, she finally did it!

Just then her alarm went off, and that's when Y/N noticed the time.



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Y/N groaned and rest her head on the desk, great! Detention, Taehyung was next to me as he patted her head.

"What did you even do last night?"

Making a love potion.

"Kim Woobin is making me die single." It wasn't a lie though I mean have you seen that guy's face? Hell good looking.

"Girls." He shook his head and I just stuck my tongue out at him. When our teacher walked out I put away my book in my bag before widening my eyes in shock.

Shit! How the fuck did I brought the love potion along with me?!

I closed my bag quickly and looked around to mske sure nobody seen me, Taehyung went to the toilet. I kept my bag close to me and gulped.


I sprinted out of the classroom once the recess bell rung, "Hey! Y/N where are you going?!" Taehyung hollored behind me.

"Code red!" I shouted and he didn't follow me, code red is something that I came up with everytime I'm in my period. Taehyung understands this and usually wait for me at the cafeteria whenever I say this.


Luckily the toilet is the same way where our lockers are located, I held my bag close to my chest and head towards the lockers.

I dodged every student passing by and greeted some who greeted me, I hurried my pace.

But my unlucky ass had to bump into someone.

Holy shit.


𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now