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"Where were you yesterday? We waited at the hangout but your ass didn't show up." Jimin asked as soon as I arrived at the school rooftop; cliché.

"Nowhere." I mumbled taking out my cigarette bud and light it up with my lighter, taking a whiff as white smoke escaped my lips.

I didn't tell him about my date with Y/N and left him at the hangout along with Jungkook. "Really? Or did you fell asleep again?" Jimin raised his eyebrows as I scoffed ignoring him completely.

I watched the whole school boredly, ditching class has been a habit of mine for a long time now. And I don't even feel guilty about it, my eyes then moved to the school field where my class is having P.E right now.

I spotted Y/N playing volleyball with the rest of the class. My gaze followed her as she run around trying to catch the ball, she eventually tripped over and landed on the ground. I didn't noticed that I walked closer to the railings to see if she's okay.

But that Taehyung kid already pulled her up and I could see him scolding her, Y/N had this cute pout formed on her lips as she said something back to Taehyung.

"Why are you smiling like a freak?"

I snapped my gaze away from Y/N and towards Jimin. "Why? Can't a guy be happy for once?" I retorted making Jimin roll his eyes, "I know you Min Yoongi, you don't just smile around out of the blue. What are you even looking at?" He said and walked closer but before I could even stop him, he was already looking ahead at who I was staring at.

"Are you looking at Y/N?"

"Wait... you know her?" I asked him with wide eyes.

Jimin shruggged with a sly smirk on his face, "I know all the girls in this school. Y/N is in the list of the cute girls." He said.

Jealously and anger filled me.

"Don't even think about going near her." I growled.

Jimim smirked at me and leaned against the railings, "So you were out with her then? Wow, Min Yoongi finally has interest on a girl?" He teased making me scoff at him but then looked over her again, she and Taehyung seemed to be having a fun conversation together that is until he slung his arms around her shoulder before the went over to play with the other students.

"This is so not like me." I mumbled, "How did you two even met? I know Y/N is always with that Taehyung kid and never talks to any people, and you... you never hold a conversation without sending your fist to the other person." Jimin looked at me confusingly.

Love at first sight?

That's just cringing. But yet again, I'm a victim for this whole love at first sight shit.

"It... happened." I crossed my arms before taking another huff of my cigarette. "When will you introduce her to us? We're your best friend." Jimin asked and slung his arms around my shoudler making me groan out in irritation.

"I'm not making her go near you two perverts."

"As if you're not one."

Y/N is with Taehyung in the library studying together for their upcoming finals

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Y/N is with Taehyung in the library studying together for their upcoming finals. Taehyung begged her to tutor him so being the good friend she is, she is helping him.

"One night in a strange shitty."

"It's city Tae."

Taehyung huffed out and reread the sentence again, Y/N smiled at bow adorable his accent is when he tries to speak in English. She read his essay and squinted her eyes,

"Fucking hell Tae, fix your handwriting." She groaned out as Taehyung scoffed, "I have my own font." He sassed making her roll her eyes.

"Anyways, you have no problem in understanding, you only have trouble in finding the right words to answer." Y/N surveyed his worksheet making the said boy grinned proudly.

"But you still suck though."

The grin fell from his face, "Well not all of us are fluent in English Ms. Byeol Y/N." Taehyung retorted making her laugh, "I'm just teasing you Tae." She pinched his cheeks.

A cough interrupted them, they looked up and saw someone they never expected to set foot in the library.

"You two seem comfy."


𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now