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I was laying on the bed with Dusty resting beside me, "All I have to do is wait for the potion to wear off." I mumbled and held the locket that I had with me since birth, it's the only reminder that I have about my parents.

Noticing my sudden sullen mood Dusty hopped on top of me as she curled up on my chest. I just laughed and hugged her close to me, "Aigoo-yah, my little Dusty. You're the only one who doesn't annoy me." I sighed out loud and give her kisses all over her face, Dusty just meowed in respond.

A phone ringing cut our cuddling session, I sat up still with Dusty in my arms and picked up the phone to see it was Tae, he put in his number in my phone the moment he found out I have a phone.


I yelped and pulled away the phone away from my ears, Dusty jumped out from my arms in shock and hid under the bed. "Dusty sweetie come out." I said but she didn't even came out, "Damn it Tae you scared Dusty." I said.

"Sorry Y/N... anyways there's gossip I need to tell you."

You can count of Taehyung for the latest tea in school. "What is it this time?" I asked and sat down on the carpet and patted my lap for Dusty, she eventually crawled out from my bed and curled up on my lap.

"You know Jimin and Jungkook right? Yoongi's friends, well Jimin is throwing a party this Saturday and he invited the whole school! Like at his house or something like that, Jungkook came up to me yesterday when I was waiting for you at the cafeteria. He legit invited me to the party!"

"Why are you excited? I thought you hate parties?" I asked him in amusement.

"Bitch! The school's heartthrob just personally invited me to the party how can I not feel excited?"

Laughing at him silently, I glanced over Dusty while gently caressing her fur. "You're coming with me to look for an outfit for the party." I groaned out lazily, "Do I have to?"

"I'll pay for lunch."


"What?" I asked since Taehyung kept looking at me, "Nothing, you always dress up like those tumblr models

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"What?" I asked since Taehyung kept looking at me, "Nothing, you always dress up like those tumblr models." He said slinging his arm around my shoulder.

I was just wearing a pink flower embroidered sweater and black skinny jeans.

"Well if I'm a character in a story I surely as hell won't dress up in just sweats

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"Well if I'm a character in a story I surely as hell won't dress up in just sweats." I snapped my fingers at him, "Whatever Y/N." Taehyung just laughed as we head towards the entrance of the mall. We went inside so many stores and I just sat being a judge on everything he wore.

To be honest he looks great in anything.

"I don't even understand why you need more clothes Tae, your closet is loaded with clothes." I told him after he paid for his outfit, "I can't help it, hey, why don't we buy something matchy? I saw this store that sells lots of couple and friendship stuff." Taehyug suggested.

"Lead the way." I said and giggled when he dragged me towards the shop. Me and Tae spent almost an hour inside the shop and ended buying matching keychains and bags together, "This is cute." Tae grinned while holding up the keychain in his hands.

I agreed with him and we eventually went home, I took off my shoes and went inside my room to see Dusty curled up on my pillow. I changed into a more comfortable clothing and just like that my phone rang, I quickly went to pick it up to see it was Yoongi.


"Hey, so... Jimin is throwing a party this Saturday. I know we were supposed to go out this Saturday but I was thinking that we should go to the party instead."

I was actually expecting him to call me about that. Too confident? Blame Jin.

"Really? What kind of party is that?" I asked and sat down on my bed carefully not to wake up Dusty. "Just a normal high school party, nothing too much. I'll pick you up though." Yoongi said while huffing out a smoke.

"What should I wear?" I asked him since I never went to any party before. "Something casual but not too revealing, I don't like it when other guys stare are you." I felt shivers when he said those.

What a posessive guy.

"Okay, what time?"

"8PM. I have to go now, bye baby girl."


Damn it I just stuttered, I put away my phone and laid down on the bed thinking about Yoongi.

Damn it I just stuttered, I put away my phone and laid down on the bed thinking about Yoongi

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Heeyyyy i changed Dusty to a female cat because my real cat is a female lol xD

***Heeyyyy i changed Dusty to a female cat because my real cat is a female lol xD

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