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You were busy brushing your hair in the living room while watching TV until the door burst open revealing a panting Taehyung, you jumped at the sudden loud noise only to see your friend. "For Gandalf's sake Taehyung can't you knock?" You scolded the boy but he ignored you and pulled your wrist, "What the.. hey!" You shrieked dropping your comb on the floor.

"Yoongi got into an accident."

You paused processing Taehyung's words inside your brain. Taehyung was chilling inside his room when Jungkook called him while crying that Yoongi just got into an accident and was rushed to the ICU, Taehyung even if he hated the guy he's still a boy who doesn't wish for pain to others. He ran from his house to yours since you still don't have a phone with you and right now you'll gasp with him at the news but you didn't. Instead you said something that shocked Taehyung.

"Who's Yoongi?"

"What? Don't play around Y/N." Taehyung gapped but you still had a confused look on your face until Dusty meowed announcing her presence inside the living room, "I'm not playing, who's Yoongi?" You said which made Taehyung frown, Dusty sat next to the guy before looking up to you but she hissed the moment you looked at her.

"Dusty." Taehyung warned but the cat let out a deep growl making herself closer to Taehyung, he was confused and shocked. One, why do you look like you genuinely don't remember Yoongi? Two, why would Dusty suddenly hiss at you and three, it was already late at night so why haven't you go to sleep yet? Taehyung knows you're an early sleeper which is why he was confused the moment he burst inside your house to see you watching TV in the living room.

"What's wrong Dusty?" You asked reaching down to pet her but Dusty hissed and clawed at you making you yelp and pulled your hand to your chest. "Oh my Gucci!" Taehyung gasped as the long three scratch marks went down from your wrist to your arm, "I'll go clean this up." You sighed and went towards the kitchen leaving Taehyung, as soon as you were gone Dusty meowed again and walked towards the staircase.

He stared at the cat for a few seconds and Dusty internally rolled her eyes.


(Translation: Follow me)

"You want me to follow you?" Taehyung asked and Dusty blinked slowly as a yes as she went upstairs with the confused Taehyung following her behind, they went inside your room as Dusty dove under your before dragging a worn out leather brown book in her mouth, Taehyung stared at the cat as she flipped the book open before stopping at one page.


Taehyung head over her and read the page with shock. "Magic realm portal." He read out and snapped his head towards Dusty who walked out of your room, he just followed the cat still with the book in his hand as Dusty gestured over to the main door. "Wait, you want me to go to the magic realm?" Taehyung whispered.


"But Y/N..."


(Translation: just do what I said hooman)

Taehyung sighed as he opened the door before looking at the kitchen, "Y/N I'll be visiting Yoongi okay?" He shouted and you shouted back an 'okay' and followed Dusty behind as she lead him inside the forest. "Uh, Dusty I don't know why but is there any shortcut?" Taehyung gulped while flashing his way using his phone, Dusty chuffed out and kept walking. It took them 3 minutes before Dusty stopped in front of a very big tree, Taehyung looked down at the book and read the instructions.

"Okay... portal firmaret radicem super aperi ad locum ubi inhibitum est ne mortalium."*

(* willow tree open your portal to a place where it is forbidden for mortals)

Taehyung repeated the spell three times before the wind picked up and he gulped nervously, just then a spark came out from the tree before revealing a green portal opening up. He picked up Dusty in his arms before entering the portal, Taehyung closed his eyes in fear and kept walking until Dusty meowed again and he opened his eyes and froze seeing he was in the middle of an empty market place. Jumping off his arms Dusty walked ahead towards a building she pointed her nose at the door and Taehyung knocked on the door.

The lights from inside was turned on and the sound of footsteps approaching the door. Taehyung nervously watched the door open revealing a man a few years older than him with high cheekbones, "Can I help you?" The man asked with a confused look.


Hoseok looked down and widened his eyes, "Dusty? What are you doing here? And where's Y/N? Who's this guy?" Dusty just meowed and went inside, Taehyung gulped as he stared at Hoseok. "Come in." Hoseok gestured as Taehyung thanked him. Once they all sat at the living room Hoseok gave Dusty his special kitty treats, now it's time to know why it's special.

Taehyung watched Dusty ate the treat, "So Dusty, what brings you here?" Taehyung was about to answer for him but another voice stopped him. "It's about Y/N." He looked at Dusty with wide eyes, "D-did you just talked?"

"Yes, Hoseok gave me the special kitry treats. Hoseok, this is Taehyung, Y/N's close friend." Dusty said and Taehyung wanted to scream out in shock and fear. "Ah, the human. Hello Taehyung, I'm Hoseok. And what do you mean about Y/N?" Hoseok asked Dusty, "Y/N seemed off lately, her eyes isn't brown but a deep red and what's even more confusing is that her aura isn't the same as well. Before she had this soft purple aura but now it's fading into a grey colour." Dusty explained.

"Red eyes and fading aura huh?" Hoseok frowned before he could think even more a thud was heard and both him and Dusty looked to see Taehyung laying limp on the floor.


"This human."

***Hobi in da houseu

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Hobi in da houseu. By the way, I don't know if that's the correct translation for Latin lolololol.

 By the way, I don't know if that's the correct translation for Latin lolololol

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