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"Alright you pests! Keep running! Keep running! Come on two more rounds!"

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"Alright you pests! Keep running! Keep running! Come on two more rounds!"

I winced as the coach blew the whistle (bomb bomb) loudly and grumbled under my breath. I really hate P.E but it doesn't top my hate on maths, coach Kim is making us run four laps.

"Come on Y/N!" Taehyung said happily as he jogged past me making me gapped in shock, "What?! You legit ran past me like two minutes ago?" I said in disbelief, Taehyung just grinned before jogging ahead me.

I somehow made it alive and fell on my knees after that four laps around the field. I literally laid myself on the grass as Taehyung sat next to me and handed me the water bottle.

"Thanks." I mumbled and gulped down the drink before closing my eyes.

"Don't die yet." Taehyung teased as I opened my eyes (a/n: y'all I accidentally put ass instead of eyes there fml) and shot him a glare. He just laughed and patted my head with his large hands.

"Stop doing that, seriously." I pouted pushing his hand away from my precious hair.

"Come on munchkin, let's go play ball!" Taehyung pulled me up making me whine, "But I don't want t move~"

"Too late!"

"See ya Y/N!" Taehyung waved as he arrived in front of his house gate, I waved back before walking straight to me own home. I opened the door to see Dusty asleep on the door mat.

"You silly cat, were you waiting for me?" I chuckled picking him up in my arms and gently caressed his soft midnight fur, Dusty is the typical witch cat. He always helps me around the house no matter what.

"You know I just read this potion in grandma's old journal. It's a love potion." I said while walking up the stairs towards my room, Dusty just purred in reply.

"I want to try making one."


I smiled and bopped his nose with mine before gently putting him on my bed, I went to take a shower since I felt sticky after gym class. I was wearing a black hoodie with a pink paw print on it along with my shorts.

I grabbed the worn out leather journal that ny grandma left for me and turned over to the page that I marked.

Love Potion.

A powerful potion that can make the person fall in love with the one he or she lay their eyes on, this potion is one of the potions that are listed as dangerous and powerful. The origin of this potion is actually from Aphrodite; the goddess of love herself. And now, witches can make one but not as powerful as the one the goddess make herself.


Two tablespoons of moon dust

A pinch of fairy dust

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now