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You arrived school very early this morning to avoid bumping into Yoongi, you had your oversized cat hoodie over your uniform and hid your face with it as you sneaked around the hallways earning weird glanced from the security guard and janitor.

You finally arrived at your classroom undetected and let out a sigh in relief and pulled the hoodie down. You prayed that you'll be able to avoid him all day today.

But of course the goddess Aphrodite has another idea for you.

Taehyung stared at you weirdly, "Um, why are you wearing that?" He asked, "Shh! Don't blow my cover." You covered his mouth your hand but yelped, "Ew Tae!" The said guy just laughed and ate his lunch happily, "Hey Tae hyung." Jungkook walked towards your table making you panic, if there's Jungkook then that means Yoongi is nearby as well!

"I have to go!" You stood up startling both guys as you zoomed out of the cafeteria, "I need a place to hide, or I should turn myself invisible. Yeah, that's a good idea." You said to yourself and already taking out the old leather journal but you were caught off guard when someone grabbed you before slamming you against the wall.


Looking up you gulped seeing an angry looking Yoongi, "H-Hi?" You smiled sheepishly at him, "Cut the bullshit, tell me why I was at your house and kissing you?" He growled tightening his grip around your shoulder, "Tell me! Did you fucking put me in a spell or some shit? Is that it? Are you some kind of witch?!" He was now yelling at you furiously, he snapped when you didn't answered him instead kept slamming your body harshly against the wall.

"Stop!" You cried out in pain and fear, but Yoongi was far gone in his anger and lifted his hand up and...



Your face snapped to the side feeling a throbbing pain on your left cheek, Yoongi was pushed to the side as Taehyung stood in front of you. He grabbed Yoongi by the collar before throwing him a punch, "What the hell is your problem?!" Taehyung shouted in anger, you saw Jungkook and Jimin running towards the both of you.

"What the hell Tae?!" Jimin said as he pulled Yoongi while Jungkook pulled Taehyung away, "What's going on here? Why are you two fighting?" Jungkook frowned as he never saw Taehyung this angry or even violent, "Ask your fucking friend here, he just slapped Y/N." Taehyung gritted out in anger.

The two widened their eyes and looked at Yoongi, "The hell hyung?" Jimin gapped at the older guy before looking over your shaking form. "That bitch is a witch! She fucking did whatever black magic she had on me!" Yoongi pointed at you, you snapped your head towards his direction through your teary eyes.

"Hyung, are you drunk? What do you mean Y/N's a witch?"

Yoongi scoffed but made eye contact with you, "You're that desperate huh? You know I won't even look at your ugly pathetic hoe ass and put me in a spell, fucking slut." He spat venomous words at you as every word hit you like daggers, "You piece of shit!" Taehyung lost control and pushed Yoongi on the floor delivering punches after punches on his face.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now