epilogue part 2

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Tbh dis wasn't planned but since a lot of you guys wanted a part 2 here it is! Enjoy!

Tbh dis wasn't planned but since a lot of you guys wanted a part 2 here it is! Enjoy!

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"Min Bitna come here!"

I ran after the little girl as she giggled and just floated around the living room, my daughter somehow got her hands on the fairy dust and spilled some on her. Now I have a giggling 3 year old to catch before the fairy dust runs out or else she'll fall down.

"Come to mommy sweetie." I pleaded and tried to bribe her with the lollipop, Bitna saw the colourful candy on my hand and she immediately went over to me. I caught her quickly and she put the lollipop inside her mouth instantly, "You're really making mommy work out huh?" I poked her nose as my little girl just giggled.


I turned around as Yoongi walked inside the house looking tired as usual, Bitna's voice made him look up and he smiled. "There's my little shining star, did you made mommy catch you again?" Yoongi walked over to us before he planted a kiss on my lips and took Bitna in his arms. I let out a tired sigh and sat down on the sofa, "I'll put her to bed. Come here you little troublemaker." Yoongi said bringing her upstairs, I went to finish the dishes while Yoongi takes care of Bitna.

After putting away the last dish in the dryers I head upstairs and went inside Bitna's room. She was already fast asleep in her crib with the soft lullaby playing in the background, I smiled and closed the door slowly and head back to my shared room with Yoongi. The sound of the shower  running indicated that he's taking shower, I changed into my nightwear which is a silk matching white top and shorts.

Yoongi came out and crawled next to me after putting on his clothes, "Oh my God, my back hurts so much. I'm getting old." Yoongi groaned and laid his head on my lap, I smiled and just ran my fingers through his hair. He recently dyed his hair again and this time it was black, for a  businessman he really cares about his look and fashion. "Should I do my famous back massage?" I teased and he scoffed, "Yeah no thank you, I don't want a dancing troll on my back again." Yoongi rolled his eyes as I laughed on the memory of me giving him a back massage.

"I'm just kidding jagi." I said, he turned around making his face facing my stomach. "How's the baby?" He asked while looking up at me, "Well, nothing unusual for a month old." I answered, and yes I'm pregnant again its already a month. Bitna is going to have a younger sibling.

"I told you we should hire a babysitter to help you with Bitna, I saw how tired you were." Yoongi frowned, "And I told you that I don't need any babysitter, I don't want a stranger taking care of Bitna. I can handle it." I sighed and Yoongi just rolled his eyes, "Fine, I'll try to be home often." He said and went to lay on his side of the bed, I turned off the lights and snuggled close to him.

"I just don't want you getting too tired." Yoongi mumbled while stroking my hair, "Don't worry jagi, I know how to take care of myself. Don't forget that I'm a witch." I poked his chest playfully, "Yeah but you're still my wife and a husband needs to make sure his family is safe. Even the one isn't out yet." He said the last part to stroke my stomach gently.

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