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"Yeah you're right Yoongi, I'm a witch. Happy?"

This isn't Y/N. The real Y/N couldn't even look at me in the eyes without blushing, and this Y/N is not real. What happened to her? Taehyung pulled Y/N with him before running away, "What did she say? She's a witch?" Jimin asked with wide eyes but I just stared at the two as they dissappeared into a corner.

"And you guys didn't believed me."

"The usuals

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"The usuals."

Jimin and Jungkook was with me since I said I wanted to go to the bar. They said they wanted to make sure I don't do anything stupid, like hell would I do anything stupid.

"Hyung slow down." Jimin said as I drank my fourth glass of alcohol, "Shut up Jimin." I said irritatingly and just drown myself even more with the drinks, loud cheerings made me turn to see a familiar group.

"Shit, that's Jaebum and his gang."

"Let's go somewhere else." I said and left a few cash on the table before walking away, "Oh look who's here." I rolled my eyes and just glanced over Jaebum boredly, he put down his glass and walked towards us. "Why don't you join us Yoongi? It's a very special night." Jaebum smirked, oh how much I want to punch that smirk off his face. "Fuck off Jaebum, I'm not in the mood with whatever bullshit celebration you saying." With that I turned around with Jimin and Jungkook following behind.

"That's a shame then, because we're celebrating for someone you know."

"Whatever Jae." I gave him the middle finger. But what he said next made my blood boil. "Oh well, I was just going to say that you lost a very big catch. Byeol Y/N, your little ex girlfriend. Too bad she's not yours anymore."


I ignored Jimin as I turned around to face the fucking bastard, "Stay the fuck away from her. Whatever you're planning to do ends here now." I gritted my teeth in anger, Jaebum just casually shrugs while putting his hands inside his jeans pocket, "What am I planning? You didn't love her, your lost then, she's mine Min Yoongi. You lost Y/N."

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now