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I took a few steps back the moment Erada was in front of me, "Seemed like that true love stuff broke my potion. Such a shame, Jaebum was a good lad." She hummed and walked closer, "Stay away from me." I hissed as she just smirked, "Now, no need to be angry over me. Blame that boy, he was the one who released me from that little dungeon though I'm glad." She said.

I jolted past her but my whole body froze, Erada chuckled as she walked around me. "I think you forgot that I'm a witch as well." I tried to move my body but can't, "I'm nothing like you, using magic to harm others." I fell down with a thud and groaned out when she stepped on my chest, "How about we take this somewhere else?" Erada whispered and with a snap of her finger we were not in the apartment instead in a forest that i recognised inside the magic realm.

"Now, show me what you got little witch." Erada said as she levitated and all I could say is;



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Yoongi grabbed his car keys but was stopped by Taehyung, "Why bother take the car when you have two wizards who can teleport?" He pointed at Jin and Hoseok, Hoseok just waved at Yoongi. "Jungkook you got the address right? Let's go and save Y/N!" Taehyung let out a cry as Dusty just gave him a weak hiss since she's in his arms.

"Okay, mission to save Y/N is on the go!" Hoseok cheered and Jin just rolled his eyes but just took out something from his pocket, both Yoongi and Jungkook didn't have time to react because blue smoke appeared and they were inside a living room in an apartment.


The guys watched as Taehyung ran towards Jaebum who just woke up, "Oof!" He grunted when Taehyung pushed him down and grabbed him by the collar, "TELL ME WHERE THE HELL YOU KEEP OUR PRECIOUS Y/N!" He shook Jaebum furiously as Dusty jumped on top of his face suffocating Jaebum.

"Taehyung you idiot get the fuck off him!" Yoongi face palmed, Jungkook easily lifted up Taehyung and carried Dusty in his other arm. Jaebum sat up and glared at Taehyung who's still throwing curses at him, "Wait, where's Y/N?" Yoongi asked, "Erada took her, I don't know where she is." Jaebum answered as he stood up and adjusted his shirt.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔Where stories live. Discover now