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"I don't think this is a good idea." I said as I placed the bag of food on top of the table, Erada scoffed as she sank her teeth in the carcass of a rabbit she caught a few minutes ago, "Do you want her to love you?" She asked as I bit my lip nervously, of course I do love Y/N and want her to love me back but not like this.

"I do but..."

"Do you love her?" Erada raised her eyebrows and I nodded, "Then this is a good idea, now shut up and go feed the girl." I just sighed and took the plastic bag with me before unlocking the door, I saw Y/N sitting on the bed hugging her legs to her chest as she lifted up her head and instantly her expression lit up.


I automatically smiled and walked towards her, "Hey sweetie, I got you dinner." I said as I took out the food and set it out for her, Y/N scooted closer to me while looking at me with her doe eyes. My heart swelled with affection seeing her to excited everytime I come inside her room, a part of me was nagging about how bad it is to keep her locked up but those thoughts always died down the moment I saw her smiling at me.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" Y/N asked shyly and it felt like I was falling in love all over again, "Of course, I don't have anything to do tonight." I said caressing her face gently as she leaned down to my touch, "Eat up while I go and change okay?" I said to her and she nodded obediently and took the chopstick in her hand, I left the room and the moment the door closes I leaned against the door with a sigh.

"Now why are you sighing? I thought you'll be jumping happily since you have the girl." Erada asked me questioningly, "It's just that... I really like that she's with me but, not like this." I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, I felt bad for doing this knowing how much Y/N loves Yoongi and that hurts so damn much. Why can't I just have someone who loves me back? Am I not worth to be loved?

(A/N: smh Jaebum I love you sm)

"Stop over thinking, it will only make you tired and angry. Just a few more drops of the love potion I made she will completely forget the people in her life other than you and that will make her yours." Erada hummed and with that she disappeared into thin air leaving me alone to battle with my thoughts.

A shower would do.

The moment the cold water hits my skin I sighed out feeling my muscles relax, I showered for about 10 minutes and wrapped a towel around my waist. I just wore a loose basketball shorts with a black tank top, before going to her room I poured a glass of water and took out Erada's love potion.

Just a few more and it'll be complete. I poured the right amount inside the cup watching as the light red potion dissolves inside the water. I head towards Y/N's room and opened the door, she was already dressed in her nightwear which was a loose shirt and shorts. "Drink up before going to sleep." Y/N took the glass from my hand and gulped down half of it and put it away on the night table, "Come on oppa, I want to cuddle with you." She pouted and I immediately fell for her pout and climbed in the bed sheets, she threw her arms around my chest and snuggled closely to me making my heart speed up.

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