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You were just inside the kitchen making lunch while listening to music, you hummed along the lyrics and even danced a bit to the choreo while Dusty laid on top of the kitchen counter purring gently. You stirred the stew and set the stove to simmer before going to check on the chicken you marinated for the fried chicken.

"Ah! I forgot the pepper." You gasped snapping your fingers and a bottle of black pepper appeared on your hand, you put the right amount of black pepper in the chicken before mixing them all gently. You went up to check on the oil, once it was on the right temperature you fried the chicken inside the hot oil.

Setting the timer you head towards the toilet for a bit, once you were done after washing your hands you head back towards the kitchen and froze seeing someone's back facing you walkimg around the kitchen. You were about to attack but paused seeing the familiar body of the person.


He turned around and it was indeed Yoongi. You gasped before the guy smiled at you, "Well, aren't you going to greet your boyfriend?" He asked and you ran into his arms hugging the guy tightly, "I missed you." You mumbled in his chest, Yoongi had this soft fond smile on his face before you broke the hug. "You dyed your hair?" You pointed as Yoongi ran his hand through his blonde locks.

"Yeah, you like it?"

You nodded, Yoongi cupped your face in his hand before pressing his lips on yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling your bodies closer, he pulled away to only show his gummy smile at you pouting from the kiss. The sound of the timer broke your thoughts and you hurriedly went to take the chicken out of the oil and set them out on the tray to cool down and let the oil go down.


Dusty stretched her body and Yoongi gently patted her head, "Nice to see you too girl." He smiled while the cat purred, a bark from upstairs made Yoongi look at you who sighed. "Looks like Holly locked himself up inside the storage room again." Yoongi just let out a laugh, "Don't worry I'll get him." He said and head towards the storage room.

When everything was set on the table you called Yoongi who walked downstairs wearing his basketball shorts and loose blue shirt. "How was L.A?" You asked as the two of you ate lunch together, "Good, the American investors are satisfied with this years earnings and the Gerald told me we recently hired 500 new workers. So everything is good, nothing unusual." Yoongi shrugged, after finishing college Yoongi took over his family business while you decided to not go to college instead you opened your own YouTube cooking channel. You are proud for your 1.3 million subscribers and always introduce them yummy dishes.

Yoongi graduated high school and immediately asked you to move in with him, or more like him moving in to your house. During his college years he had to stay in a dormitory and will drive from his college to your house during weekends, to say that everything went smoothly is a lie. You both had fights like any normal couples do which ended up in you two making out and conceal. Now, at the age of 24, Yoongi already is the president of the company and you can say you both are happy.

"Baby, let's go and have dinner tonight. Just you and me." Yoongi hugged you from behind while you do the dishes, you really missed his warm embrace since he's always busy with meetings and business parties here and there. "We'll leave Dusty and Holly at Jungkook and Taehyung's place." He whispered into your ears and made you blush.

Even after 7 years you still blush at Yoongi's sweet words and gestures which amuses the guy. You both aren't those innocent couples who just hold hands, oh no, you were more than that. "I'll love that." You smiled turning around to look at him before Yoongi placed a soft and long kiss on your forehead.


"Enjoy your date!" Taehyung waved from the doorstep with Dusty in his arms, "Bye!" I waved back before rolling the window up and leaned against the car seat, Yoongi drove away towards the streets of Seoul city. "This is nice." I smiled while looking at the car window, watching the lights lighting up the city beautifully.


I look over his direction to see him looking at me, "Yah, you're going to end us up in a accident." I whined pushing him to look in front since I was blushing madly again. Min Yoongi never fails to make me blush even if we're together for a long time now, "Okay." Yoongi laughed and we both stopped in front of the restaurant we always go to.

"Let's go, I'm hungry." I said and unbuckled the seatbelt and walked towards the entrance, "Welcome- oh my! Yoongi you're home!" The old lady gasped as she saw me and Yoongi enter, "How are you ahjumma?" He bowed while I linked our arms together, "I'm better actually, the herbal tea that Y/N sent me is very good. My back doesn't hurt anymore." She said while I smiled happily.

"That's good then!"

The herbal tea is a healing tea that the elves uses, but of course I never tell her that. "Sit down, let me guess. The usuals?" Ahjumma winked and we both nodded, "Hold on, I need to go to the toilet." Yoongi said before going at the back while I waited, the food arrived first and Yoongi was nowhere to be found. I waited for him until the lights dimmed out which startled me, "Oh? Is it a power outage?" I mumbled.

Just then, the sound of the soft piano filled the whole room and I looked around trying to find the source. I gasped the moment I found the source, Yoongi stood behind me with a bouquet of white roses. He walked towards me slowly and took a deep breath, "Y/N, we've been together for 7 years now and I want to say how grateful I am towards you. You kept up with my bullshit and had patience that even the guys couldn't do, for those 7 years you made me feel something that I never do towards other girls. Our love story is honestly the most unpredictable thing that has ever happened to anyone." Yoongi started.

"Our first meeting... wasn't normal." He chuckled and I just smiled, just the two of us in this place knows what happened. "I've been thinking about this for years now, even before I graduated college. I already asked Taehyung and my parents so Byeol Y/N..." Yoongi kneeled down on one knee and took out something from the bouquet which made me teared up.

He looked up to me with a smile and said, "Will you marry me?" The whole restaurant aww-ed but I didn't paid attention and nodded, "Yes." He stood up before kissing me on the lips and then slipped the beautiful diamond ring on my ring finger before giving me the roses. "I love you Byeol Y/N."

"I love you too Min Yoongi."

***Part 2 of the epilogue anyone?

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Part 2 of the epilogue anyone?

***Part 2 of the epilogue anyone?

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