Raven: Origin

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If someone were to have told Raven that he would be arrested by an underground hero an hour before, he would've punched them in the face. He always made sure to cover up his tracks before anyone were to find him. He gives information to heroes about villains (and vice versa) so he was confused on why they were arresting him. He helps! Both villains and heroes, but can one blame him? He needs money. Villains do not know that he helps heroes and heroes do not know that he helps villains, so what are they arresting him for? No way they found out about his business. He makes sure that no one is to say a word about it and if they do, well, they suffer the consequences. He may be quirkless, but no way is he stupid. Contracts are small little things. No quirks needed. Just a special ink and a small tattoo on the person. That is it. If the violate the contract, well, their inner organs deteriorate, vomit blood, and their eyes melt right off. Gruesome but they should never violate the contract. Raven always warns them of what would happen and he knows when the contract is violated. If the contract itself doesn't kill the person, Raven has someone else do it for him. A trained assassin. Like in every contract, there's a loophole, but most haven't known about it and he will never want anyone to figure it out.

  So, why is he—a quirkless, fifteen year old who has avoided the police for years—handcuffed to a table and being interrogated with no alcohol in front him? He asked for tequila and they bring in tea. What type of people do that? Honestly, it's just tequila. He isn't asking for poison—although, he would drink that too just to get out of this situation. A smirk on his face as he treated this as a game just to piss off the two adults in the room and to come up with a way out of this. "Eraserhead, seriously, I am not in the mood to answer these . . . frivolous questions and I promise you that you are not getting any answers from me any time soon. I suggest you either let me go or you tell me what I did wrong and get on with tossing me into a cell."

  "How about the fact that you're a villain?"

  Raven leans forward, lowering his voice to an annoyed tone as he says, "How about I'm not a villain?"

  Tsukauchi hesitates with a frown. "Than what are you doing with villains?"

  Raven snorts and rolls his eyes, leaning back and shaking his head. He chuckles with a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. That action alone sets the underground hero off. Eraserhead scowls, not seeing what this kid finds funny. "Is this just a grand ol' joke to you?"

  "Yes, actually. You arrest me for being around villains, now that is a laugh. I mean, what actual crimes have I committed other than speaking to other humans? I assure you enough that I do not know what they're planning or have ever acted in any of their schemes. That is all I'm going to say. I won't answer any other questions. We're done here." He closes his eyes and yawns, waiting for their response to that.

  The two adults look at each other, whispering to each other. They don't know what they should say but he was telling the truth. He hasn't been apart of any of the villains' schemes, or know what their plans are. "You're hiding something from us, Raven" says Eraserhead. "You know something about the villains."

  His left eye cracks open a little. "You want information? Fine." His facial expression changes to one of annoyance and business like as he leans forward staring at them, clasping his hands together. "But I want something in return. And let me tell you this beforehand, I do not want a stupid offer."

  Aizawa glances at the detective who is silent and patiently waiting for something. His dark eyes are studying the boy in front of him, reading him and his words for truth and false. "Your freedom for—"

  The kid barks out a laugh, cutting off the detective. "I just said, no stupid offers. My freedom and my life—those aren't good offers, just so you know. Oh! And no threats, I don't care for those either."

  "Then what do you care for?"

  "Nothing that you can give me," he says with a cheshire grin. He does not know how he got himself into this situation, but he will take advantage of annoying these people. Their reactions are always hilarious to see; their jaws clenching, eyes narrowed in annoyance or anger, fists clenching as they fight back the urge to punch something, and even listening to their voices become steady to avoid saying things they'll regret later. The amount of energy it takes to mess with someone is appalling. Weaving your words, dancing around your victims, poisoning your tones and their minds—all the while making sure you do not reveal your true intentions. It is mentally exhausting, yet worth it to see the outcome.

  The hero shakes his head at the detective and the two leave the room. Raven sighs with a disappointed expression. They are smart, he decides, sadly. They didn't raise to the bait but I got enough of a reaction. He stares at the drink. It's not tequila but it's something. He is parched. He reaches forward, wrapping his fingers around the warm mug and drinking the lukewarm drink. He doesn't know how long he's there but it's about half an hour or so by the time the door opens again. "Nedzu, the only animal to have a quirk. You were experimented by humans and yet you work alongside them. Must be nice, having the strong enough will for that. To be able to work with people that put you through Hell, how strong are you to do that?"

  The animal-like-human blinks for a moment, processing the words given to him. "You're a manipulator, aren't you?"

  "Manipulator? Don't you think that's a little harsh?" he leans forward slightly. "I'm more of a negotiator, a businessman if you will. But if it makes you happy, then fine. Go ahead and call me a manipulator." He leans right back, crossing his legs at the ankle and clasping his hands together. "Well, now that you're here, any negotiations I had planned, well, that's out the window now. You complicate things and now you will not find anything out. Sorry, but I am not going to play into your hands. Your time is running out. You have no charges on me and I assume you have to let me go." He grins as he closes his eyes and wanting to rest. "Oh, and don't bother me. I'm tired."

  "Nedzu," says a familiar voice. "It's best to leave this for—"

  "Hello All Might," interrupts Raven. His green eyes glittering behind the black, feathered mask as he stares at the blond skeleton who is so surprised that he coughs out blood. A sadistic grin comes to his lips. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

  "Mi-Midoriya Izuku?"

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