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"Can you be a hero without a quirk?" That question. It was such a simple question. So simple and yet it altered so much. Izuku listened with deflating hope. His shoulders slumped as he stared at his all time favorite hero tell him he couldn't be a hero. All Might, the number one hero, the Symbol of Peace, told the child he couldn't be a hero. With nothing else, he left the child who lacked a quirk alone on a roof to his thoughts. Green eyes, that once held a glimmer, dulled.

Sullen, the young boy walked through the streets to head home. Never meet your idols, he should've realized that that meant something. He was so caught up with his fanboy mindset, the want to be a hero that he should've known. All Might, no matter how he appears, was like every other hero. They only cared about quirks and only helped those quirkless for show. He snorted as he felt his anger rise. When he saw the smoke, he knew it was a hero and a villain. It should be done soon enough. He told himself not to go, but his body didn't seem to be listening. He went straight to the source and saw the slime villain, the same one that had attacked him a few minutes prior. In its grasp, it held a familiar egotistical blond with an explosion quirk.

  For a moment, he was about to leave him. He made eye contact for a few seconds before turning to leave. It wasn't until he noticed how no heroes were doing anything. He scowled as his admiration for heroes started to unwind. One told him he couldn't be hero due to the lack of quirk while others (who had a quirk) weren't doing anything and muttering among themselves. They were going to wait for another hero. The civilians around him begun to mutter about All Might, the man who had been chasing the villain and crushed his dreams. They were accusing him, turning against him. What a joke? One loses a villain and he's already incompetent? How dumb are these people? He backtracked at the sudden insult that he threw at them. He shook his head, turning back around and rushing forward. I may not be a hero nor like this guy, but maybe I can do something. Izuku threw his bag at the eye of the villain who recoiled away.

  "You again?" he screeched in anger.

  Midoriya ducked under one of the attacks, nimbly danced out of the explosions. He scooped up some dirt and gravel, flinging it into the eyes. In the moment of distraction, the green-haired boy took out the pencil he fortunately had and stabbed it in the eye. The villain screeched, letting the blond go. Midoriya took it as his chance and grabbed Bakugou out of harms way.

  All Might had taken the moment to transform and finish off the bad guy, apologizing for being late. While being looked over, Midoriya was being scolded for doing something so reckless while they praised Bakugou. "You didn't even do anything," he muttered darkly to the heroes who scolded him. He stood up straight, glaring at them with toxic eyes. "I can't believe I ever looked up to people like you." He noticed the looks of shock and grinned. "Heroes are supposed to protect civilians from villains, and from what I saw, you didn't do your job. It took a quirkless kid to do something you people couldn't. How sad." He pivoted on his heel and walked away, a look of disbelief and anger on his face. The heroes watched the retreating back of the boy who just snapped at them like they were pesky flies.

  All Might had found the boy, who startled at his sudden appearance. He let out a booming laugh before deflating, coughing up blood. "I'm so glad I could find you!" The said boy stood there with an unimpressed expression on his face. He listened to the lecture he received with no interest, boredom setting in. He forced himself to listen to the lecture, retaining the information for later. After the events of that day, he just didn't feel the same way about being a hero anymore. "So, what do you say?"

"I decline the offer." That surprised the number one hero. "I don't want to be a hero anymore."

Toshinori gaped at the boy who had a change of heart. "Wh-what?"

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