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Final chapter!!!

Chisaki Kai. The head of the yakuza group is not easily fooled. When one attempts to pull a fast one on him, he tends to notice and he will retaliate. He grips the boy's throat tightly, raising him and shoving him against the wall with so much force he hears the satisfying crunch of bones. The boy's choked screams ring through the air as he attempts to scratch his assaulter. Midoriya's green eyes are full of rage and fear, his teeth gritted as he attempts to breathe. Fear for the inevitable death that will come.

Breathe, breathe, breathe!

It burns!

It's agonizing!

"Ack!" He cries out upon feeling the impact against his back and head. "Chi—sa—ack!" He attempts to speak and reason with the germaphobe. "I—"

"Stop talking." The male would have used his quirk, but his goal isn't to kill the teen. It's to punish him. Punish him for lying and attempting to betray him.

The boy is a pure one. No quirk. No disease. There must be something in his genetics and blood. Something that must be the reason for his quirkless status. He will take the boy and do some tests.

Black spots start to pool around the poor boy's vision, the waters of unconsciousness pulling at his body and mind. I can't! I can't let him win.

The question most have running in their minds must be: what led up to this?

Well, time to backtrack.

* * *

If anyone were to have told Midoriya that he was to work with pro heroes a year ago, then he would be ecstatic. Now, he was annoyed and ready to throw hands with the one and only Sir Nighteye. He had listened to the man nag and nag, constantly. The boy had already forgotten what the entire conversation had been about—it was now redundant statements being said differently. His ear picked up every other word that was said, too busy picking at a loose thread on his shirt. After a little longer, he snorted, finally reaching his breaking point. "Look, I do not see an end to this lecture. I'm only here to help. Either you accept the help or you leave me alone, I'm tired. I didn't sleep last night, too busy making a plan as to keep an act together while getting access to Eri. That is where Mirio comes in."

"I am not letting you put my intern in danger." The man is stubborn. That was something Izuku knew when he first learned of him. Stubborn to boot and will keep his intern semi safe.

"Well, then, I guess that makes me more of a hero than you." Pulling that card wasn't really the best at the moment.

"Putting people dangerous situations is not what a hero does!"

"I'm not putting anyone in a dangerous situation! It's more recon than anything. Aizawa is going to be with Mirio!" Izuku scowled as he gripped the chair in front of him. Whether to throw it or hold himself back, it was hard to tell at the moment. "You put him in more danger! You have put him in danger now more than ever!"

"What are you—?"

"The quirk! You bastard! You know what I'm talking about! All For One is a conniving snake who's lived longer than anyone else! You really think that he'd get caught willingly? He will break out!"


Midoriya growled, glaring harsher at his dismissal. Did this man not understand?

The said teacher watched this argument unfold as if watching a tennis match. The area above his right eyebrow twitched, a scowl forming and crossing his face. He was tired of these two butting heads—although, it seems that Nighteye was the one who can't get it through his head to compromise. He would have to ask Midoriya about what he meant. What quirk? All For One is the villain that All Might fought, right? I'll have to question the punk later.

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