Watching Ants Scatter and Running into Assholes

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Izuku comes into the police station, glaring at everyone. A few people actually shudder in fear. He is taken straight to the holding cells of the villains who are under his contract influence. He looks at all of them, letting the various sigils light up—holding back a hiss of pain. "It's your lucky day," he singsongs with a feral grin. Aizawa is behind him (Tsukauchi isn't supposed to be near him after what he said in the hospital), smacking him upside the head as a warning. He shakes his head at him, receiving a sigh. "Fine. I'm here to nullify your contracts." He pulls out a razor and cuts into his already mutilated finger. He grabs the nearest villain's hand and draws an X over the sigil. He does it with everyone there and the contracts fade away one-by-one. "Done. You won't die now, but if you say something about me, I will find out and kill you."

  They nod and he walks away with Aizawa behind him. This kid is really strange. "Why was I called to be with you? Why couldn't Tsukauchi do it?"

  "You remember seeing the sigils appear on the villains' hands and on my skin when I was fighting?"


  "My scream at the end, when Tsukauchi got close?"

  "Get on with it."

  "Tsukauchi's arrival almost killed me. Basically, when contract holders are all in one place, the sigils appear. Tsukauchi's sigil is one of the most dangerous since it's too close to my heart. The next time he gets close to me under one of the overloads, it can stop my heart." He shrugs, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He pulls his mask off, scratching the side of his nose as he walks up to Tsukauchi, sticking to his side.

  "Even with that knowledge, you make contracts?" he questions with a sharp look in his eyes, face absent of emotion as usual.

  Midoriya nods. "Why does it matter? If I die, I die. There's nothing wrong with it. Honestly, I'd probably do you a favor, like getting out of your hair." He shrugs again, kicking a small stone.

  The two adults exchange looks, Tsukauchi feeling really concerned for the teenager's thought process. "You dying wouldn't do us a favor. Why would you think that?"

  He looks up in surprise, staring at him with wide eyes. In a flash, the expression is gone and replaced with indifference. "People always told me that me dying would do others a favor. I like to annoy people and do the opposite as they say, so here I am. My whole life revolves around spiting people." Izuku stretches a little bit. "It doesn't matter anyways. I am already more successful than most people my age. Of course, because of the USJ incident I have a business that needs to be redone. Anti-heroes, anti-villains, vigilantes, assassins, etc etc. Since they don't care who I give information to, my business will be with them mostly. Villains and heroes are too suspicious and don't understand that this is a way of living. So I'll be making more contracts. Honestly, I still have a few contracts on my arms . . ."

  They stare at the child who is muttering nonstop. Tsukauchi sighs and lets him get all of his thoughts out, glancing at Aizawa who is glaring. This kid, he really thinks dying is okay as long as people are happy? How messed up is he in the head to think that? Aizawa is hit with a memory of when Izuku came into the class before the attack. ". . . if I'm not mistaken, you're the one who told me to kill myself." Is that true and he wasn't lying? "Midoriya," he starts, flicking his ear to get the kid's attention. Once those toxic irises are on him, he continues, "were you telling the truth when you said Bakugou suicide baited you?"

  "Yup! I wouldn't lie about something like that. If I want to ruin someone's reputation, then it's with truths, not lies. Why are you bringing that up?"

  He cannot be serious. "It doesn't matter. What did he exactly say to you?"

  His eyes narrow not wanting to say anything. He never should have said anything but he wanted to hurt Bakugou and it was the best way—at least there wasn't any other plan that came across his mind. Izuku glances away from them and he repeats the phrase, "If you want to be a hero so bad, then take a swan dive off the roof and pray that you get a quirk in your next life." Izuku clicks his tongue, scrunching his nose. "At least, he had the decency to say it in a poetic way, so that people could think that I took his words the wrong way. I don't care about having a quirk anymore. It makes one reliant on it too much and when they don't have it anymore—then they can't do anything. They act like it's the worse thing in the world because they grew up thinking it's the best thing."

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